Rishi delivers.

Inflation went up slightly, you blame Labour.

Economy grows slightly you credit tories.

Make your mind up.
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If anyone took furlough money for work that they WERE going to do, they would be the ones committing fraud. Bitter Idiot. Get over it - I have. ;)
Says the ex MOT tester that committed serious and numerous counts of fraud over numerous years.
A small chance to get a bit of extra cash that you weren't really entitled to, wouldn't have phased you one iota.
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That growth in the economy was from April to June. All down to who's in charge at the time, wouldn’t you think?
the economy grew because it was obvious the useless Tories were getting the boot and business leaders could see a grown up govt would soon be in charge

oh and a govt that would begin reversing the clusterf**k that is brexit
The last figures under Rishi's control.

The Conservatives have set the economy on the right track before handing over. Let’s see how the new lot do.
The article mentions that GDP is one factor to consider. OK but there is a more important one which is the one we struggle with. GDP per capita. How much each of us produce. That is steadily falling.
The effects of the banking crisis and covid can clearly be seen on that. Other sites show our ranking compared with the rest of the world.

There is another irritating factor. It can be calculated in 2 ways. One puts China as the leader the other one makes them 2nd to the US when viewed economically. The ONS data is one of those. So when GDP is mentioned which one is used? Ukraine effect?

It's a funny old area. People may have more money to spend but that needn't result in a better gdp/capita figure. Taxing more may result in a lower GDP.. Interest rates figure as well.

Me - I expect more GDP growth mostly via the retail sector but other sectors will figure. Those will .reduce it or enhance it - pass.
That growth in the economy was from April to June. All down to who's in charge at the time, wouldn’t you think?
Actually the BofE have a lot to do with how various metrics work out. Not the party in power.
Actually the BofE have a lot to do with how various metrics work out. Not the party in power.
Never heard any criticism aimed at them when the figures show a downward trend. Always the governments fault then.
the economy grew because it was obvious the useless Tories were getting the boot and business leaders could see a grown up govt would soon be in charge

oh and a govt that would begin reversing the clusterf**k that is brexit
Riiiight. I’d prefer to wait and see. So you’re forecasting growth from now on then?
Rish! delivered the largest Tory defeat in almost 200 years! How is he still relevant?
Only he knows what his strategy was, but it looked like a right f*** up, from the get go. Silly t@t.
Never heard any criticism aimed at them when the figures show a downward trend. Always the governments fault then.
They do their best to control the situation eg emergency interest rates Also QE, a nasty complicated area.

What you can blame gov's for is lack of progress on GDP/capita however interest rates can have have an effect on that. Upped to control something else and no gov is likely to disagree with that action. This could be pushed harder resulting in job losses. Business want stability as well. Various thing have messed that up.

The Tory Labour split in this area is just how to achieve real growth in a situation where the country can't really afford to run itself as it should be. Real growth is needed to fix that. LOL Both parties agree on that.

LOL The only maybe good aspect is pay rises. More income from tax so more to spend but sadly that's largely a retail aspect. People have more to spend.
That growth in the economy was from April to June. All down to who's in charge at the time, wouldn’t you think?

It's not useful to look at a couple of quarters. I said exactly the same when growth was negative. Over the past nine quarters growth has averaged about 0.14%

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