Should multinationals and multibillionaires pay fair tax?

they need to work a 5th day and up productivity by 25% - that is what the country needs.

if you are capable of getting your entire weeks work done in 4 days, then your lot is far too easy. Anyone short of money should be working 6 days.
Yep, go back to digging holes with shovels and picks.

More hours isn't always more productive.

You're just going back to the idea of the workhouses. All that benefited was a few rich people, not the country, nor its people.

If a worker can earn his employer his money in x hours, it doesn't matter over how many days is required.

Some jobs need to be at the workplace, some don't. But the hours used are the same too.

Don't confuse a 4 day working week with extra pay. Overtime etc will still be there.

You are showing a very closed mindset lately. You can do better. Try working a few extra hours.
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they need to work a 5th day and up productivity by 25%
It's called overtime. Usually used in some areas if their is a need. It should be paid at a higher rate to remove some of the tax aspects.
Work of any sort produces something or the other. If more was permanently needed a company will employ more people to meet the need.
Yep OK. More hours by 1 person isn't always more productive.

But if x business works 24 hours a day 7 days a week, whether the employees work over 4 or 5 days its still the same amount of hours worked. Still the same number of employees used.

Mistaking less days for less hours is poor.
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Chairman Starmer is considering we may all just need to work 4 days a week -
The lazy screen will be the same whether they work 4 or 5 days, those who put in extra hours likewise. Its just human nature that some work harder than others. It is also in human nature that the hardest workers aren't always paid more.
they need to work a 5th day and up productivity by 25% - that is what the country needs.

if you are capable of getting your entire weeks work done in 4 days, then your lot is far too easy. Anyone short of money should be working 6 days.
Munroast didn’t read the detail

It’s compressed working not reduced hours


8 hours over 5 days
10 hours over 4 days

You do the math
Munroast didn’t read the detail

It’s compressed working not reduced hours


8 hours over 5 days
10 hours over 4 days

You do the math
did you miss the 's' of the end of 'math' or was that an intentional americanism?

my point remains, if someone can do 4 * 10 hour days per week, then they should be able to do 5 or 6. If our country is going to get out of the mess we are in we should be working harder.
only working 4 out of 7 days is like being on some sort of holiday - no wonder we're going down the pan as a nation
@Munroast wants people to work 60 hrs per week. Small children would also fit up chimneys.
they need to work a 5th day and up productivity by 25% - that is what the country needs
We should work the Chinese 996 system, 9am to 9pm 6 days a week = 72 hours

Much more efficient

In fact let’s scrap all employment laws and reintroduce slavery, it’s stupid politicians thinking people might like to actually enjoy life
did you miss the 's' of the end of 'math' or was that an intentional americanism?

my point remains, if someone can do 4 * 10 hour days per week, then they should be able to do 5 or 6. If our country is going to get out of the mess we are in we should be working harder.
only working 4 out of 7 days is like being on some sort of holiday - no wonder we're going down the pan as a nation
Working people in this country do work hard

Wealthy people in this country, just sit on their arze and collect income from their assets.

You are sadly going down the false rabbit hole of blaming ordinary working people of this country for the mess that it’s in……
should be working harder.

No wonder he was sacked.
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