Slavery Reparations

Find another tree to bark at and stop changing the subject.
You still refusing to accept that you plagiarised an article about press ganged sailors in your attempt to divert the thread?
When you accept that you commited an academic act of attempted fraud, we can go back to what you want to discuss.
I can't see that happening any time soon. Is it worth me waiting?

What is Plagiarism? to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own • to use (another's production) without crediting the source • to commit literary theft • to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud.
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And I'm asking you if you think the relatives and descendants of those seafarers continue to be deprived due to the actions of their employers?
Or were they paid for their service on these ships? Which would mean that they weren't slaves. :rolleyes:

In the 1780s many sailors were recruited from the rough drinking taverns on Marsh Street, in Bristol. They were often taken by trickery by the ships captains who were looking for crew to man their slaving ships. This was one of the few ways that the captains could get sailors. The captains would pay pub landlords to help them trick men into joining the slaving voyages. Pub landlords would lend money to sailors so that they could afford to buy drinks. Once the sailor was drunk, the bill was given to them, and the sailor would be unable to pay it or repay the loan from the landlord. The corrupt landlord would then give them a choice. Either the sailor would go to jail, or, to repay the debt, could join the crew of a slaving ship bound for Africa.
I guess you'll never admit that you attempted to commit academic fraud.
So let me destroy your argument anyway, by quoting the last sentence from the same paragraph from your plagiarised article, the bit that you omitted:
The sailors would pay the debt from their wages for the voyage.

So they were paid for their service. :rolleyes:
Thought the pub landlords paid for their drinks and when they couldn't pay they had the choice of jail or the slave boats.
Doesn't sound like they were paid, blackmailed seems more apt.
School history lessons always liked to tell the tale of press gangs and how 'lucky' we were to escape such barbaric times.
Thought the pub landlords paid for their drinks and when they couldn't pay they had the choice of jail or the slave boats.
Doesn't sound like they were paid, blackmailed seems more apt.
Did you read the article for which Bod didn't provide a link?
It's mentioned twice:
The sailors would pay the debt from their wages for the voyage......The captain and crew all received a wage.

Whether they shared their hard earned wages with their families, we'll never know.
If they did, there's no need for reparations. If they didn't the wayward husband/searfarers should pay the reparations.
Case closed. :rolleyes:
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Did you read the article for which Bod didn't provide a link?
It's mentioned twice:

I think he did Roy

Thought the pub landlords paid for their drinks and when they couldn't pay they had the choice of jail or the slave boats.
Doesn't sound like they were paid, blackmailed seems more apt.
School history lessons always liked to tell the tale of press gangs and how 'lucky' we were to escape such barbaric times.
So they were blackmailed slaves then, as much as I thought.
I think black mailed is correct

Some were not that lucky.
went for a wee, (as we do after a few beers) and got a clonk on the head. When they woke up they where on their way to Africa .
It wasn't 1st glass either.
Whether they shared their hard earned wages with their families, we'll never know.
If they did, there's no need for reparations. If they didn't the wayward husband/searfarers should pay the reparations.
Case closed. :rolleyes:

Tickle it Roy
You sunk him midships Bod. So that's why he had to resort to going on about plagiarism and other such rot.
Strange how he never brought up the topic of press gangs, it's if the working class were all dancing round maypoles quaffing beer after a game of rugger or cricket on the village green.
You sunk him midships Bod. So that's why he had to resort to going on about plagiarism and other such rot.
Strange how he never brought up the topic of press gangs, it's if the working class were all dancing round maypoles quaffing beer after a game of rugger or cricket on the village green.

You see I lured him into a trap, a trap only Roy would fall for.

My next trip for Roy is... does he know what Shanghaiing means. And what it meant to be Shanghaid.

He'll be along soon.

Well anyway this went on at many British ports home & away. I first learned of this at a museum at the Rocks in Sydney.

Shocking really is Roy's naivety.
So they were blackmailed slaves then, as much as I thought.

I think black mailed is correct

Some were not that lucky.
went for a wee, (as we do after a few beers) and got a clonk on the head. When they woke up they where on their way to Africa .
It wasn't 1st glass either.
Let me see if I understand you two properly:
You claim that there are some pubs in Bristol (and other ports) that were well known (they've been reported about in the press) for allowing destitute drunkards to get paralytic, by operating a slate for these drunkards These drunkards still chose to go to those pubs to drink their beer, get paralytic, despite the reputation of these pubs, and despite them being destitute.
And in their drunken stupor they were 'tricked' into signing up for work on a boat. Work for which they would be, and were paid.

And you two think their descendants should be compensated, even though their descendants have no knowledge of what happened to their drunken fathers, husbands and uncles. So there's no way of knowing who to compensate.
Unless you think these drunken sailors learnt to write and sent letters home, saying "help, I've been press ganged while I was in a drunken stupor." And you're assuming their relatives thought, "I must do something to help this poor drunken soul, who is now kidnapping, raping and robbing African slaves, and throwing them overboard to evade detection."

And Bod thinks these sailors were tricked into signing on for work after just their 1st glass?

I've changed my mind. I don't think Luis Rubiales is the right name for gant. The pair of them remind me more of Laurel and Hardy. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
You see I lured him into a trap, a trap only Roy would fall for.

My next trip for Roy is... does he know what Shanghaiing means. And what it meant to be Shanghaid.

He'll be along soon.

Well anyway this went on at many British ports home & away. I first learned of this at a museum at the Rocks in Sydney.

Shocking really is Roy's naivety.
You lured me into exposing you as a plagiarist, by committing plagiarism?

Are you for real?

Like a criminal stands in the dock, and claims he lured the police into arresting him, by committing crimes. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Only Bod's mind could work like that.
Jackanory time again making things up.
I've never said anything about compensation for their descendents.
You went off on one last night Bloomers on trying to pin plagiarism on Bod, how does it read to you in the cold light of day. Oh look still trying to make it
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