Strangeways brings back hanging

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No wonder he's on his high horse about crime and punishment. He's obviously dead set against punishment. ;) ;) ;) ;)
I live in somersal and have spent time in sudbury
Ahh that explains it,, Your an ex con.

Explain what?

It explains that you are an ex con who is trying to tell law abiding people what punishment for crimes should consist of...........yeah right. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

You have the wrong idea how the british justice system works, taking away your liberty is the punishment, the law says so.

So you never speed in your car, or park on double yella or do the odd cash job, I supose you have gone through life clean? :rolleyes:
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You have the wrong idea how the british justice system works, taking away your liberty is the punishment, the law says so.
The discussion here has been about what the punishment should be, not what the law says it is currently. Laws can be changed.
So you never speed in your car, or park on double yella or do the odd cash job, I supose you have gone through life clean?
I've done all those things and more, I've never done anything that warranted being banged up though. Not because I'm scared of being banged up (I am), but because I am basically an honest geezer. The point is, it's not offenders who should decide on fitting punishments, it's society as a whole. And if society has decided that taking away liberty is enough of a punishment by itself, then society is obviously wrong and needs to think again. Like I said, there is too much carrot and not enough stick at the moment, there are many young people from deprived backgrounds who have a better life inside than out. Where is the punishment for them in 'just going inside'?
Are you sure?
In the recent case in Birmingham, where the suspect topped himself, the family said that they were gutted that the bloke would not have to answer for his actions in a court, or be convicted for his crime. They said he had denied them any closure as there were so many unanswered questions.
But did they say what sentence they would have liked him being given?
5yrs, 15yrs?
Or. a trial then hanging the scumbag.
Are you sure?
In the recent case in Birmingham, where the suspect topped himself, the family said that they were gutted that the bloke would not have to answer for his actions in a court, or be convicted for his crime. They said he had denied them any closure as there were so many unanswered questions.
But did they say what sentence they would have liked him being given?
5yrs, 15yrs?
Or. a trial then hanging the scumbag.

not the same case but..

""I ran to him and I held him. I put my head on his head because it looked as if he was sleeping. I didn't believe he was dead. There was blood coming out from his nose and his mouth and they pulled me away from him. I couldn't believe he's dead. Couldn't."

Gloria reveals a remarkable spirit of forgiveness when she tells Panorama how she prays daily for her son's killers. 'I pray for them... I pray for them every day. I pray for them... for God to touch them."

not all people think like you.
not the same case but..

""I ran to him and I held him. I put my head on his head because it looked as if he was sleeping. I didn't believe he was dead. There was blood coming out from his nose and his mouth and they pulled me away from him. I couldn't believe he's dead. Couldn't."

Gloria reveals a remarkable spirit of forgiveness when she tells Panorama how she prays daily for her son's killers. 'I pray for them... I pray for them every day. I pray for them... for God to touch them."

not all people think like you.

?? your point is?
We voted to stop the death penalty because it is barbaric. So the alternative would be to lock the crim up for life... i'd accept that.

What i take issue with, is that life doesn't mean for their whole life... and add to that the fact governments want to cut costs, so they let the scum out sooner because it costs to house a prisooner, and then there's appeal courts, and 'good behaviour'!!! :rolleyes: They end up doing a fraction of a real sentence !!!

It's all too easy for the crims.... maybe after the next Baby Peter, or Millie Dowler etc we should have another vote on hanging....?
By the way peaps, you've obviously done serious time there. Was it for murder by any chance?
By the way peaps, you've obviously done serious time there. Was it for murder by any chance?

(i think he murdered a forum member that kept winding him up !! ;) and boy do i know how he feels !!! :LOL: )
(i think he murdered a forum member that kept winding him up !! and boy do i know how he feels !!! )

I think you're a t* you know how they feel? :LOL: :LOL:
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