This is the sort of pledge that might get my vote.

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Then there's a sizeable pecentage of claimants - the doleites who adopt a tattooed, spliff smoking, white lightning drinking, grey baggy trackie romper suited couldn't give a feck mentality and lifestyle. Think Mr And Mrs V Pollard. Their look and attitude guarantees unemployability and a life of the 'sosch'. Liberals will deny it, but their are large numbers of these scattered across estates in UK.
There are indeed.
I have some sympathy with younger people today, because working in many jobs doesn't seem to pay any more. Yes the headline pay rate can look OK, but strip out the tax, crazy rent costs, extremely high council tax and utilities - and even a couple doing all the hours can't afford a roof over their heads. Hence the government has to keep those with kids off the streets by supplementing wages with tax credits, etc. Especially bad in Bristol where any privately rented one bed slum starts at best part of a grand, and competition for these places is fierce. Hardly much incentive, but many still take up the challenge. Unforgivably the globalist governments have pitted these strivers of very basic means against the third world with mass immigration, and treacherously tilted the tables in favour of the parasitic incommers.

Then there's a sizeable pecentage of claimants - the doleites who adopt a tattooed, spliff smoking, white lightning drinking, grey baggy trackie romper suited couldn't give a feck mentality and lifestyle. Think Mr And Mrs V Pollard. Their look and attitude guarantees unemployability and a life of the 'sosch'. Liberals will deny it, but their are large numbers of these scattered across estates in UK.
How do you deal with that, cut benefits or produce jobs other than short term service industry jobs. A consequence of lockdown is that people in work are reluctant to go to work unless its where the work is.
How do you deal with that, cut benefits or produce jobs other than short term service industry jobs. A consequence of lockdown is that people in work are reluctant to go to work unless its where the work is.

Don't have the answers, but need to reverse decline in education, law and order, training, discipline, etc. Invest in our people instead of shipping in vast numbers of undesirables hoping some will come good and fill low level jobs we need filling. Make work pay by building affordable homes for working Brits.

But this all takes time, money and effort. Govts these days suffer terminal short termism - so will never happen. Will keep taking the easy, quick and cheaper route and UK will continue it's slide downwards in all respects - in cluding one of the most important things ie. liveability as a country. Basic quality of life won't recover.
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Don't have the answers, but need to reverse decline in education, law and order, training, discipline, etc. Invest in our people instead of shipping in vast numbers of undesirables hoping some will come good and fill jobs we need filling. Make work pay by building affordable homes for working Brits.

But this all takes time, money and effort. Govts these days suffer terminal short termism - so will never happen. Will keep taking the easy, quick and cheaper route and UK will contimue it's slide downwards in all respects - in cluding one of the most important things ie. liveability as a country. Basic quality of life won't recover.
I thought you voted brexhit what went wrong??

I thought you voted brexhit what went wrong??

Bad idea. Plus we got screwed. We were lied to. It was implemented by a crook called Johnson. Take your pick.

Openly admit I would reverse if possible.

We all make mistakes. I imagine there are legions out there who would change their vote to remain with hindsight if they knew what a $h!tsh0w it would become.
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Bad idea. Plus we got screwed. We were lied to. It was implemented by a crook called Johnson. Take your pick.

Openly admit I would reverse if possible.

We all make mistakes. I imagine there are legions out there who would change their vote to remain with hindsight if they knew what a $h!tsh0w it would become.
agree with this.

the fact is lots of people voted because theyve experienced 30 year of decline in their region and brexit was their first opportunity to vote for change, which sadly brexit was never going to deliver, as EU membership wasnt the cause, it was domestic politics

what this country needs is:
"need to reverse decline in education, law and order, training, discipline, etc. Invest in our people"
"Make work pay by building affordable homes for working Brits."

and this is true:
"Govts these days suffer terminal short termism - if we keep taking the easy, quick and cheaper route and UK will continue it's slide downwards in all respects - in cluding one of the most important things ie. liveability as a country. Basic quality of life won't recover."

Lots of other countries, including quite a few in Europe have long term political plans including infrastructure -thats what the country needs.

What this country does not need is a 2% income tax cut to buy votes
plans including infrastructure
As suggested by Brown and there has been some via returns from the EU. Blare - good jobs need to move out of London. I believe some have.
A bit like when some people are asked to quantify the number of local supermarkets that they claim have no tomatoes. They clam up.
You do know that even your Government ackowledgded, and still acknowledges shortages ? Of more than just tomatoes.
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