This is the sort of pledge that might get my vote.

Please show me where I said that ?

you said it here:

"Because they are watching Tv and smoking cigs."

You deliberately meant to include all people on benefits.

If you are now saying otherwise, then please come back and state a percentage of those on benefits are scroungers
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Mr P.Nut imagines people on benefits and migrants are the same...

Net immigration to the UK has surged despite Brexit and repeated government promises to reduce it. David Cameron said in early 2010 that if he won the election, he would limit net immigration to “tens of thousands” per year. Net immigration reached a record 745,000 in 2022.
Mr P.Nut imagines people on benefits and migrants are the same...

You imagine I think that, unless you can point me to where I said it? He can’t, he won’t lol

I’m in a tag team of lies, what will I do……
you said it here:

"Because they are watching Tv and smoking cigs."

You deliberately meant to include all people on benefits.

If you are now saying otherwise, then please come back and state a percentage of those on benefits are scroungers
You’ve heard of “Humour” ?

But I’ll say this, the majority of people I see on benefits have no intention of getting a job. Ever. Single mums have another kid so they can’t be forced to work. Generations of families do this.

I see a LOT. I do see the odd one who deserves what we pay them. But sadly not enough.
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You’ve heard of “Humour” ?

But I’ll say this, the majority of people I see on benefits have no intention of getting a job. Ever. Single mums have another kid so they can’t be forced to work. Generations of families do this.

I see a LOT. I do see the odd one who deserves what we pay them. But sadly not enough.
So, 1%?
Not much to base a prejudice on but it's a start, i suppose.
So, 1%?
Not much to base a prejudice on but it's a start, i suppose.
Is that an official figure ? Or more lies odds

You and Notchy never seem to get a bite lol. Maybe one day
Is that an official figure ? Or more lies odds

You and Notchy never seem to get a bite lol. Maybe one day
My bad, you think the majority are scrounging, so that's 99% stealing red balloons from your tea party.
Do you have an official figure?
You’ve heard of “Humour” ?
dont try and dismiss it as humour

youve been caught out and now you are squirming

Either you think everybody on benefits is a scrounger, or you think its percentage -which is it?
My bad, you think the majority are scrounging, so that's 99% stealing red balloons from your tea party.
Do you have an official figure?
this is the problem, these people love to talk about "benefit scroungers" but they go all peculiar when asked to quantify it
this is the problem, these people love to talk about "benefit scroungers" but they go all peculiar when asked to quantify it
It gets even juicier when they can find a migrant family doing it: a two-for-one whinge about the state of the country. Get in!
- it'd be a cruel person who looks at an individual stricken with a serious long term medical condition and says "well they're a sponger, cut off their benefits".. Much more likely that comment is levelled at a job seeker who deliberately fails every interview to keep claiming their JSA, a woman who keeps having children paid for by the state etc, those who appear under sensationalist tabloid headlines

Surely, those who are physically/mentally incapable of doing any productive work, are on some sort of incapacity benefit, not a jobseekers benefit?
So you are a domestic plumber then, not the gas engineer you tried to claim
Where have you pulled that from you plum?

Or are you saying people on benefits can’t have gas appliances? Make up your mind Notch
There were plenty of jobs in 50’s and 60’s but some were less popular than others, hence the economic need for migration. Sounds familiar?

I have some sympathy with younger people today, because working in many jobs doesn't seem to pay any more. Yes the headline pay rate can look OK, but strip out the tax, crazy rent costs, extremely high council tax and utilities - and even a couple doing all the hours can't afford a roof over their heads. Hence the government has to keep those with kids off the streets by supplementing wages with tax credits, etc. Especially bad in Bristol where any privately rented one bed slum starts at best part of a grand, and competition for these places is fierce. Hardly much incentive, but many still take up the challenge. Unforgivably the globalist governments have pitted these strivers of very basic means against the third world with mass immigration, and treacherously tilted the tables in favour of the parasitic incommers.

Then there's a sizeable pecentage of claimants - the doleites who adopt a tattooed, spliff smoking, white lightning drinking, grey baggy trackie romper suited couldn't give a feck mentality and lifestyle. Think Mr And Mrs V Pollard. Their look and attitude guarantees unemployability and a life of the 'sosch'. Liberals will deny it, but their are large numbers of these scattered across estates in UK.
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