To all those that welcome/encourage the small boat migrants.

Any/all of them.
I have no intention of revisiting all of my responses to your questions, especially the ones that you employ phishing techniques to elicit some personal information for potential weaponising.
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Ah, grammar shaming. I take it you have no answers to the post then, Himmy?
I won’t mention the grammatical errors in your posts as people will think I’m just being a desperate c**t.
For the record i never think you're desperate. :D
I have no intention of revisiting all of my responses to your questions, especially the ones that you employ phishing techniques to elicit some personal information for potential weaponising.
That’s the answer I was expecting. Himmy/Bloomer.
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What happens to the asylum seeker in France if his application is refused?
Who knows, what options were on the table? I don't think any discussions were held at all, just a flat refusal.
Application Accepted, turn left and buy a P&O ticket with your authorisation to travel.
Application Denied, turn right and pay a people trafficker 1500 euro for your "ticket" to the UK.

Of course people will flock to the processing centre as there is a chance to save 1,470 euro and stay dry.

But they will try to come one way or the other, unless the processing centre is a long way away from where they want to get.
Of course people will flock to the processing centre as there is a chance to save 1,470 euro and stay dry.
Of course people will flock to the processing centre as there is a chance they will be accepted, as most applicants are.

And if more are accepted legally then the criminals business model will become unviable.

Of course people will flock to the processing centre as there is a chance they will be accepted, as most applicants are.

And if more are accepted legally then the criminals business model will become unviable.

Precisely, there would be about 80% fewer people risking the dangerous crossing.
You would think that those who persistently express concern about the deaths, the dangers, the resources of rescues, etc. would be overjoyed at the possibility of a safe and legal method.
Unless their concern is faux.
Who knows, what options were on the table? I don't think any discussions were held at all, just a flat refusal.
Okaay. Lets assume they put you in charge and you get you centre set up and running. What do you think will happen to those who are refused asylum. It's something that must be considered and discussed with the French authorities when you are setting up such a system.
It's something that must be considered and discussed with the French authorities when you are setting up such a system.
Yes it is. You work through how it will work in practise, not refuse to even consider it.
Okaay. Lets assume they put you in charge and you get you centre set up and running. What do you think will happen to those who are refused asylum. It's something that must be considered and discussed with the French authorities when you are setting up such a system.
As denso pointed out, the number of people trying to cross the channel by small boat would be reduced by about 80%.
Additionally those vulnerable adults and children would not be required to risk the crossing. I would have thought you'd be in total favour of it, given your concerns with children drowning in the channel.

For sure, you might not eradicate the crossings totally, but you'd vastly reduce the number attempting it, and you'd put the vast majority of people smugglers out of business. What's not to like?
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