To all those that welcome/encourage the small boat migrants.

Not blaming Labour at all but yes, the lefties must accept some responsibility in my mind. They will still be encouraging the death trips whoever is in government.
Those lefties that stopped a majority government from working? Ok
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Why were they all heading or Dublin then?

Things appear to be worse over there. The migrants have set up tented encampments in Dublin. Only good thing is the Irish seem less tolerant and more willing to tackle the problem head on. Maybe they need to recruit some 'trained help' from north of the border to deal with things.
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They will still be encouraging the death trips whoever is in government.
The only people encouraging it were the previous Tory Government. There was no other way for the boat people to get here, that was by design.
Yep, you got it. Eventually. Don’t you remember the court cases? Were they right wingers that stalled the process?
You do understand the government had many opportunities to sort the issues,or even part of them.

But were stopped by the lefties?

Hmm, says a lot, doesn't it.
JohnD, Notch, Nosey, Ellal, carman….

I've never supported the boats. I want it stopped.

An effective system please, you and your tories have let it get out of hand.

And you are still trying to blame anybody else.
Not blaming Labour at all but yes, the lefties must accept some responsibility in my mind. They will still be encouraging the death trips whoever is in government.

And in my mind, I blame the hornsmokers who voted the last shower in.
Coz they made sure that, apart from "not attempting at all" (which is patently futile), the only option was a decathlon dinghy.

To all those that welcome/encourage the small boat migrants.​

I have no 'fax concerns'.
That isn't what I see in your OP and the title.
I see a disingenuous attempt to blame the deaths on those compassionate about asylum seekers:
Accept your part in this. Four more to add to your toll.
...but yes, the lefties must accept some responsibility in my mind. They will still be encouraging the death trips ....

I don’t like to hear of people needlessly drowning while 'escaping' the horrors of France. More so when they are small children or babies that have no say in their crossing.
Yes, a remote application for asylum would make the perilous crossing unnecessary. But I don't hear you calling for that.
Asylum seekers, once they have escaped whatever horrors they are escaping from, are free to choose whichever country they fancy to claim asylum.
They're not 'fleeing' France. They're continuing their journey to their chosen destination.
You do realise you're talking about African and muslim countries here?? Not a cat in hell's chance!
Latin America with its dominant European immigrant and Catholic Church dominance is the most violent and unstable continent.
(Probably closely followed by Europe)
But your bigotry can't see beyond your prejudice against Africans and Muslims.
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