To all those that welcome/encourage the small boat migrants.

lol. Another give away. Only been here 3 days and already you are familiar with that saying. Classic!
According to you and others I've been here many times before.

I can safely predict that Mrs Doubtfyre will suddenly disappear without trace in the future.
I wonder why I keep disappearing.
it must be something I've said. :giggle:
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It was slowly progressing through the legal process and was having a deterrent on illegal immigrants.
Stop crying in your cornflakes and get over it, the Tories are no longer in power. If Labour don't perform you can vote them out next time.
It was slowly progressing through the legal process and was having a deterrent on illegal immigrants.
Source? There was going to be a report published on that but the previous government sat on it, I didn't think it had been published.

I don't believe there was any decrease in people crossing because of the threat, was there?
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here you go..

I see your hard of thinking is incurable
In Ireland asylum seekers are allowed a maximum of 90 days to have their claim decided, if they fail they are being deported on private hire flights paid for by the government.
They are also sending back asylum seekers from the UK, Rishi Sunak said that the UK wouldn't accept returns from Ireland unless the French accepted UK returns, the Irish knew Rishi was bluffing and that he was a soft touch, the UK is still accepting returns from Ireland.
If the Irish can deport illigal migrants why can't the UK

And who will we be blaming for any failures from now on?
I quite agree that Labour are employing a gimmick for their domestic audience.
And when this "Border Commander" initiative fails, they should be rightly blamed.

But the real question is: "What is the real objective?" It also ties in with this discussion that you started.
Is the objective to reduce the dangers and risks faced by the asylum seekers?
Or is the real objective to stop the boats?

From what I observe the real objective is to stop the boats at all costs. And the dangers, risks and actual drownings faced by the asylum seekers is its own deterrent, and not only of little concern to the main parties, they're content to allow the risks and dangers to remain.
So, a) the two main parties have no real concern about the drownings of the asylum seekers. This demonstrates their inhumane approach to asylum seekers.
and b) your faux concern is also exposed as a desperate attempt to lay blame on those compassionate towards asylum seekers for the fault of the drownings.

The right, proper and compassionate policy is to allow remote asylum application, coupled with fair and speedy results of those applications.
Of course there will be other problems to be addressed, such as where can the applicants be accommodated whilst their application is processed?
What to do about the failed applications? How to deal with those failed applications if they still try to cross the Channel in a small boat.

But this main initiative, with its relevant considerations will only ever be implemented if the real concern is for those drowned asylum seekers.
In Ireland asylum seekers are allowed a maximum of 90 days to have their claim decided, if they fail they are being deported on private hire flights paid for by the government.
That would require an agreement with the destination country.
UK has demonstrated its only interest is the existence of its domestic political parties.
And in that process foreign countries are blamed for all the worlds ills.
Hardly an environment for developing international accords.
your faux concern
I have no 'fax concerns'. I don’t like to hear of people needlessly drowning while 'escaping' the horrors of France. More so when they are small children or babies that have no say in their crossing.
I have no 'fax concerns'. I don’t like to hear of people needlessly drowning while 'escaping' the horrors of France. More so when they are small children or babies that have no say in their crossing.
And are trying to blame Labour and or the lefties for the deaths.
When the real responsibility, the previous government is ignored
And are trying to blame Labour and or the lefties for the deaths.
Not blaming Labour at all but yes, the lefties must accept some responsibility in my mind. They will still be encouraging the death trips whoever is in government.
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