To all those that welcome/encourage the small boat migrants.

The migrants have set up tented encampments in Dublin.
The migrants set up camp because there is no accommodation for asylum seekers.
But the indigenous homeless in Ireland vastly outnumber the homeless migrants.

Charities like the Irish Refugee Council now believe the number of homeless asylum seekers in Ireland stands at around 1,800 - on top of the estimated 14,000 Irish people without accommodation.
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And in my mind, I blame the hornsmokers who voted the last shower in.
Coz they made sure that, apart from "not attempting at all" (which is patently futile), the only option was a decathlon dinghy.
I’ve said before but I’ll say it again. If I and my family were fleeing genuine persecution, I’d be happy to stop in the first safe country I got to. I would one hundred percent NOT, I repeat, NOT, risk their lives crossing the world’s busiest shipping lane in a rubber dinghy. End of.
I’ve said before but I’ll say it again. If I and my family were fleeing genuine persecution, I’d be happy to stop in the first safe country I got to. I would one hundred percent NOT, I repeat, NOT, risk their lives crossing the world’s busiest shipping lane in a rubber dinghy. End of.

As you have never been in that position, what you "would do in that situation" ain't worth a shiny shoite.
End of.
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Brig used to seem quite normal and intelligent. However recently he's had a personality change and coming out with pure, unadulterated codswallop. Don't know what's happened to him. Almost like Nosey has hijacked his account. Hope things get back to normal soon for him soon if he's having some kind of crisis.
I’ve said before but I’ll say it again. If I and my family were fleeing genuine persecution, I’d be happy to stop in the first safe country I got to. I would one hundred percent NOT, I repeat, NOT, risk their lives crossing the world’s busiest shipping lane in a rubber dinghy. End of.
They are high end RIBs worth 10s of thousands, with decent motors... oh wait
Labour will welcome them and their criminal mates, build more prisons to house them and wonder why crime goes up and the illegals keep coming. Week 2 and the sh*tshow is well on track.
Labour will welcome them and their criminal mates, build more prisons to house them and wonder why crime goes up and the illegals keep coming. Week 2 and the sh*tshow is well on track.
More diversion and waffle.

Why did you never criticise the Tories for letting so many in ?

It's a show that needs stopping but it's a hell of a mess to sort out

I don't think many people realised just how bad the previous lot had let things become
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