To all those that welcome/encourage the small boat migrants.

Sitting on the fence here but Labour said very little in detail about anything they want to do and how they to achieve it but Starmer repeatedly said on a TV debate that they were going to smash the gangs


Let’s see what they achieve , but I’m not holding out much hope as they would need the full cooperation of France and do they want to keep them ?
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here you go, your second favourite "news" source.
I see it was your imagination again. Nothing there says they all turned left and went to Ireland. In fact the article disputes the Tory version. Rwanda has had no affect on those crossing the Channel. The only thing that will slow the flow is peace and stability in their own countries.
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If the Rwanda clusterfúck didn't get butt-fúcked in court today, it would get butt-fúcked in court another day. It's better to test the legalities of any proposal before it goes too far down the hole.


On that basis, we wouldn’t need courts and the appeal processes would we?
On that basis, we wouldn’t need courts and the appeal processes would we?
Well, yes. That's the whole gist really. We do have courts, a legal system and legal representatives (lawyers etc).

You thought it a good idea that the Rwanda plan could leapfrog the whole implementation process, be put into practice and then see if it works in court?
What part did any of us play?

You need a visa before boats, trains or planes will allow you to board.
And you need to arrive on UK soil to be able to claim asylum. You can't do it remotely.

How do you square the circle?
Who are these people that encourage these boat people?

Did you mean the Tory Government? By the way, they've gone now.

You tory supporters should take responsibility

Welcome to the forum. Or rather, welcome back. I was wondering where you'd got to.

I see there's no attempt to address the questions.

Just like others, you prefer to be obsessed with usernames, as a method of deflection, rather than address the issues under discussion.
Just like others, you prefer to be obsessed with usernames, as a method of deflection, rather than address the issues under discussion.
And just like your previous incarnations there’s no who? What? Why? What are you talking about? Oh well, I suppose you’ll trundle along getting more and more enraged until the mods finally cotton on to who you are so go ahead, fill yer boots while you can.
The drowning hasn’t stopped so by your reckoning, it couldn’t have been the Tory Government , could it?
The drowning is the issue.
But it's the only method of arriving in UK to claim asylum.
The real issue is not the number of immigrants. by small boat arrival. But that is the deflection by both major parties.
The number of people arriving by small boat in 2023 was about 30,000
But the number of legal immigrants for the same period was about 700,000.

The 70,000 is difficult, or impossible, to control.
The 700,000 is easily under control because visas are issued, by the government, but not monitored.

That's about 23 times the number, or 2,300% if you like percentages.

But where do successive governments focus the public's attention?
And just like your previous incarnations there’s no who? What? Why? Oh well, I suppose you’ll trundle along getting more and more enraged until the mods finally cotton on to who you are so go ahead, fill yer boots while you can.
Still obsessed with usernames, rather than addressing the issues that you started.
Why start a discussion then refuse to discuss the issues. It's perverse, or pure intentional "look there's a squirrel".
It's perverse, or pure intentional "look there's a squirrel".
lol. Another give away. Only been here 3 days and already you are familiar with that saying. Classic!


I can safely predict that Mrs Doubtfyre will suddenly disappear without trace in the future.
I can't see how a special task force is going to make any difference.
I agree. For every gang arrested, a new one will be created. It's be a chase your own tail saga.

We already have high tech drones and radar to track pretty much every crossing.
Border force already have more powers than any police officer.
The smuggling gangs operate in Turkey, France and Albania, No special task force is going to have power to operate there.
Well, a lot of goodwill and some give and take will be needed, if it's to be achieved.
I suspect "asylum seeker quotas" might be one of the 'gives' under discussion.

4 things seem to work:
- Denying those who arrive illegally any right to claim asylum or leave to remain
- The threat of remote processing or getting sent to a less desirable 3rd country
- Physically deterring departure via interception and push back.
- Long sentences for those who helm the vessel
I disagree.
The first two policies in your little list has not affected the flow of asylum seekers.
And the third item in your list are illegal.
And the final policy increases the prison population (with its own repercussions) with no effect on the flow of asylum seekers.

4 things seem to encourage them:
- Near certain rescue and taxing to the UK if you run in to problems. The RNLI are usually called out and are first on scene even in French waters
Still peddling your deceit and bigotry about the RLNI.
- Knowing that you will probably never get sent back
Repatriation to certain countries would be illegal.
But who do we blame for the failures so far?
- Having the French turn a blind eye
It requires a joined up, agreeable, approach. The blame game does not work, and it never has, It merely causes division.

- having "charities", fund your legal costs.
You wish to deny some humans their inalienable rights, because they're seeking asylum. I.e. they're fleeing the denial of their inalienable rights.

The only thing the previous government wasn't doing is push back or take back.
It's illegal. That's why they weren't doing it.
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