Tory Leadership Race

We are talking about family businesses being left to family members. They tend to be unlisted so the above would not be representative at all.
I think most people with knowledge on the subject would argue that PE companies are subject to the same business pressure as Listed companies. The difference is it is harder to liquidate a position in such a firm.

There is a reason that these things have been exempt in the past.
Any examples of those happening to companies which attract business relief as part of IHT?
You understand that inheritance is triggered by a death?
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Well, yes. So all you have is worst case theoretical scenarios?

So when is it due to change? Gut feeling?
I'm citing the reason wealthy people are taking steps to protect their families. It's documented in the article I linked to already. They fear changes, they are taking advice from experts, those experts have an ear to the ground.

The first thing the government needs to recognise is that the wealthy are mobile. We attract them to invest in the UK by offering the things they like. But when we change the rules, they leave and there are consequences for those who remain. Particularly those who pay taxes or use services.

You don't need to be a genius to see, that if you take away 10% of those that pay 1/3rd of all income tax, you have a problem.
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Jenrick looks like he has f****d his chances

but I still have hopes Conservatives will chose him; a worse leader than Truss
Dunno, chemmy is more like truss, say any old thing to trigger the membership into voting for her. Jenny is much more selective and focussed in what he says, and has an eye on the support of the rw media..
Of course not, you've been open about the fact that you are not required to do a tax return. So unless you are a tax dodger, it's fairly obvious, you wont be chipping in much for any shortfall. But you may lose services that you hoped others would pay for.
So when is it due to change? Gut feeling?
The IFS mentioned that some possible areas of change are in need of reform but did not enlighten us. Bear in mind they know that the gov needs more income.

MBK lives in his own cocoon. Full of self importance. He makes some valid points but until a budget appears he is hissing into the wind. In terms of serious investments he is a tiddler. He also hasn't a clue about changes in manufacture here over the years and why. LOL Mrs T most certainly kicked some of that off. That made me an angry man. Reason eventually wins and a different attitude is needed. I have always worked in manufacture so am well aware of directions and why. The whys come about as they are businesses and their main interest is profit. This makes shareholders more important than domestic workforces. Then comes views on competing with the rest of the world. Employment levels here figured heavily in post war development. Times change and lower numbers are needed. Businesses do not see that as their problem. The only solution is more of them.
It's not what I think, it's the 10s of thousands of wealthy people leaving that have made their mind up.

Obviously you are entitled to opinion. But the British Manufacturing industry as it was pre-Thatcher killed itself. Poor quality products and union dominance. Patriotic product loyalty will only get you so far, if your product is junk nobody will buy it. Fortunately, the UK dominates many other industries and the margins are higher.
Since it was known that Labour would likely win the election and had plans to attack the wealthy. its doubled.
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