Tory Leadership Race

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For those in the know, Denmark is one of the best tax havens in Europe. There are many tax exemptions for things like intellectual property and foreign companies can register the holding company in Denmark and be fully exempt from corporation tax.
Cherry picking nonsense

Denmark has higher taxes than UK

I know because a mate of mine came from Denmark and says wealth is spread far far more evenly.

Denmark hasn’t had 40+ years of Tory c****s making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
You think Denmarks favourable tax laws for IP and corporate HQs is nonsense? righto.
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This is the US model.
Who do use income tax bands on CG but have a more progressive taxation system. For years they were proud that the higher earners paid the bulk of tax. Then comes Trump who messed it up a bit. LOL Biden wants to swing it around a bit. Far more educated people support his lot. A subject that has been studied.

Pension changes. Brown had a problem so fixed it. I have never looked at the taxation on that but taxing an excess wont remove all of it unless it's 100%. It based on actuary valuations so that would not be a good idea. I had direct experience of a particular why. A company scheme. They are set up such that the company owns the money. The company sold off it's various sectors. As soon as that happens people can no longer be in the scheme. It's a bit like a job change out of one The transfer value into a new scheme wont be 100% but some fraction of entitlement in the new scheme. This leaves excesses in the original scheme that the company can choose to grab if it wants. it did.

My brother retired recently. He has decided to go entirely draw down as doesn't like what he would get if he went for an annuity. His problem might come about down to the growth of his remaining pot against inflation. Typical company scheme numbers. 15% of salary for 40 years for 2/3 of final salary. Traditionally the company would pay 1/2 but many stopped paying that. Size of scheme and a shift to property investments relate to that. Many of these schemes went index linked usually with a cap on the max inflation they would cover. Sone schemes finished up being unable to meet their needs.

Reeves. As the IFS pointed out and illustrated by the pie chart I posted. Getting all needed gains from one particular area isn't really on. The pie chart in total revenue mode also shows what % the general public pays - rather a lot of it.
Kiss good bye to 28% of all income taxes.. Righto.

Labour's made up black hole just got real.
They didn't make it up, they shone the spotlight on it, not make it up, just raise basic and higher rate income tax. Furlough borrowing (and its fraud) has to be paid for.
That Cleverly
Who didn't get a % vote increase in the last voting round. When the ones left held their talks to the party pundits reckoned one of them went down well. LOL afraid I can't remember which but not Kimi who is playing the racist card and also using a labour like slogan. Theirs was Change. Reform already have one. So sounds like it was not one of the "popular" ones. LOL Service has also had a mention. One of Starmer's favourites. Makes me think a rather lacklustre lot with nothing new to offer. No signs of the well planned multi pronged brexit campaign ideas. Just the usual rant.

Interesting interview, A lady that has written a book. Ex Tory Asian darling that resigned. If I heard correctly she even was a whip, One of her reasons related to Cameron. She reckons there was no way he would allowed some of the MP's to get into cabinet positions that did. Racism figures but I think it's also worth adding ERG. I would have thought that a number of Tory supporters would want shut of them. Well they are still about in the aims area. If a more balanced Tory party is wanted they need to go. LOL Actually B'ham's ex Tory mayor is having a real rant about this whole area. He points out that peoples main concerns are jobs, income, living conditions and a working state. They are currently just pulling the usual strings. Not a bad bloke really. I'd just say that some of his claimed successes where more related to our combined authority than he would be prepared to admit.
The taxes that wont get changed. Hunt's comment - they will increase taxes. Did he hope to force a U turn? If so it's the worst political trick we have ever seen. I have already mentioned several things that the £20b tax cut could have paid for and are needed. There is also another factor - it covers some aspects that should have been covered. Pay being one of them.
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