Ukraine counter offensive

You don't say, run it pass me again what happened after the referendum vote in 2016.?
We had a new PM, sorry 2 new PMs, sorry 3 new PM, sorry, it'll soon be 4 new PMs.
We've already had 4 5 6 new Chancellors.
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But you are blind to the country being destroyed by Tory corruption and vested self interest.

If I say somethings a sh*t show how does that make me blind.
Think you might be better employed chopping up a giant redwood than coming on here talking with your dick out.
Jeez us wept are some still going on about the country has been taken over by Russians :ROFLMAO: And or


Blimey Putin has a fascination with Nazis he may invade to de Nazi fie the UK

Mind you the Russians are already here secretly running the country via infiltrators :ROFLMAO:
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We had a new PM, sorry 2 new PMs, sorry 3 new PM, sorry, it'll soon be 4 new PMs.
We've already had 4 5 6 new Chancellors.
My Grandson asked me, " how many more prime ministers until Christmas grandad".
Childhood innocence gone, it used to be how many more days to Christmas Grandad.
Blimey if some fruit cakes ( in here) had had there way

Corbyn the anti Nato anti US fruit cake would be in charge

He would probably have rushed out to Russia to shine up Putins boots

And certainly would not have supplied the Ukranians with weapons

Note with interest the fervent Corbyn supporters in here have remained remarkably silent on his treatment from the party since the

Yes exactly fair weather friends and political party fruit cakes
You need to examine your own prejudices.
Anything that challenges your preconceptions seems to trigger the usual response from people who can't think for themselves.
it wasn't me who said Japan surrendered to Russia. Now, who was it ?
You must try harder not to believe all the lies you read in the Tory press

Remind me, which was the party generously funded by Russian donations?

Led by a bloke called Boris?

"It is illegal for political parties to accept donations of more than 500 pounds from foreign citizens who are not registered to vote in Britain. Mr. Kopytov is not listed on the national voter register, records show."

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