Ukraine counter offensive

Quite right to show such images...

Unless of course you believe in restricting information when it refers to the horrors committed by your 'own side'?
Its common sense.
If your team is on the field, you don't cheer for the other side as well.

The lessons of Vietnam have been learned.

The media​

The Vietnam War was the first major war to be televised and documented through the media. Images of warfare and dead or wounded American soldiers brought the war home. Additionally, photographs of children covered in napalm, burn victims and the evidence of My Lai, all shocked the American public. These brutal images destroyed the US government’s claim that they were fighting a war against an immoral enemy
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Quite right to show such images...

Unless of course you believe in restricting information when it refers to the horrors committed by your 'own side'?
Damn right it is.

Rub their noses in the whore of war images.
Shortly after Surovikin’s statements, the Russian-installed head of Kherson, Vladimir Saldo, said that some civilians were being “evacuated” in anticipation of a “large-scale offensive.”
That seems to be in progress and not forced. Russia it seems have said it's on peoples own head if they choose to remain.

There are reporters the area now.
Ukraine - The fighting has been intensifying for some time but the Russians are well dug in. They appear to be digging in as well. A grad was rolled out and fired a salvo for a video clip. Said to be the early unguided version. Moved as soon as it had fired. Seems Russia take 3 min to work out where it was and retaliate, This has cropped up before with artillery. A Ukrainian shown who is keeping an eye out for drones. Looked like he was in a trench. A comment that was made is that Ukraine is in no rush and awaiting more weapons. Shells are flying. Only a sketchy comment about where the Ukrainian troops are at the front. The reporter wasn't there so must have been further back. Sorry can't remember the distance to go Ukraine mentioned. I think it was 20 odd km.

Russia it seems may have a plan or may fall back behind the river??? The dam was mentioned again, Hydroelectric. I think this one has been mentioned before. Destruction would result in flooding. It has been partly hit.
Reports from the USA military

Is that the mad mullahs have sent military personnel to Crimea ?? Or other occupied regions to assist
Putin ???
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Reports from the USA military

Is that the mad mullahs have sent military personnel to Crimea ?? Or other occupied regions to assist
Putin ???
If it's true, it's hardly surprising. If it's not true, it's hardly surprising that the US has made that allegation. :rolleyes:
Reported @Associated Press that Iranian specialists are helping Russia with the 'suicide'-drones - a tad ironic considering America and British specialists have been doing similar in Ukraine.
Still. Pick a team and cheer 'em on.

Also is a report on the build-up to the forthcoming battle for the vital city of Kherson - a battle that is every bit as important as the one for Mariupol in the spring and could determine the strategy of the Russian planners if it all goes wrong on the banks of the Dneiper.
His fresh troops are complaining bitterly about a lack of supplies and equipment, so it comes down to how the new commander can motivate his experienced soldiers to hold on to the city.
If Ukraine can turn the southern front to their advantage expect to hear more Nuclear threats from Herr Putin.
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Reported @Associated Press that Iranian specialists are helping Russia with the 'suicide'-drones - a tad ironic considering America and British specialists have been doing similar in Ukraine.
Still. Pick a team and cheer 'em on.
A technical point, the NATO countries have been very hesitant to provide in country training, in part to avoid these headlines. We do our training outside Ukraine.

Iran had promised not to export weapons as part of the nuclear deal. I don't believe we have any promises to do the same in return.
A technical point, the NATO countries have been very hesitant to provide in country training, in part to avoid these headlines. We do our training outside Ukraine.

Iran had promised not to export weapons as part of the nuclear deal. I don't believe we have any promises to do the same in return.
Fair point; but it's plain both sides have received support in this conflict. For Americans to point out an Iranian breach of Security Council resolutions is hypocritical.
Fair point; but it's plain both sides have received support in this conflict. For Americans to point out an Iranian breach of Security Council resolutions is hypocritical.
Was that the deal that Trump reneged on?
It is the same deal, and there's an element of hypocrisy in them now objecting.

But there isnt a security council resolution saying that America or the UK can't export weapons, so there's no hypocrisy in that part

Of course we never reneged, as we'll be the ones formally complaining to Iran and applying some penalties as specified under the agreement.
It is the same deal, and there's an element of hypocrisy in them now objecting.

But there isnt a security council resolution saying that America or the UK can't export weapons, so there's no hypocrisy in that part

Of course we never reneged, as we'll be the ones formally complaining to Iran and applying some penalties as specified under the agreement.
But this is one of the reasons Russia and China object to the way America uses the UN for its own purposes. Can you blame them?
Should it all kick off with Armageddon / nuclear exchange
A few missiles can go astray and hit Tehran ???
Nato forces are or may well be helping the Ukranians

To defend Ukraine from Russian aggression

The mad mullahs are assisting the Russians to attack the Ukraine
( aggressors)

Any one who cannot see the difference is a fruit cake ;)
yeah, you're still watching the effects of this conflict play out with little background knowledge of the cause.
Keep bangin' the rocks together.
yeah, you're still watching the effects of this conflict play out with little background knowledge of the cause.
Keep bangin' the rocks together.

dunno what you are on about

but than again one rarely does with a knuckle dragger like yer self :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

keep rubbing them sticks together
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