
What creates wealth? Two sneezes.

According to a Spanish colleague, tradition where she comes from is that when someone sneezes that brings health, two sneezes brings wealth, three sneezes brings love.

I don't think you're meant to actually sneeze ON the object of your amorous intentions. Unless you're certain she likes that sort of thing.
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What creates wealth? Two sneezes.

According to a Spanish colleague, tradition where she comes from is that when someone sneezes that brings health, two sneezes brings wealth, three sneezes brings love.

I don't think you're meant to actually sneeze ON the object of your amorous intentions. Unless you're certain she likes that sort of thing.

here in England sneezes go as follow:

One for sorrow
Two for joy
Three for a girl
Four for a boy
Five for silver
Six for Gold
Seven for a secret, never to be told
Eights a wish
and nine is a kiss
Ten for a time of Joyous Bliss
So, it's five or six sneezes, depending on the level of wealth required.

What an illustrious nation are we, that we demand 3 times the sneezes that a Spaniard might... :LOL:
"Here in England sneezes go as follow:

One for sorrow
Two for joy
Three for a girl
Four for a boy
Five for silver
Six for Gold
Seven for a secret, never to be told
Eights a wish
and nine is a kiss
Ten for a time of Joyous Bliss""

Nah Lincs,,, everyone knows that rhyme is about Magpies :D :D :D
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Futures trading is another way to make wealth. You sell iron ore, and today the price is £1 a ton. So ill buy 100 tonnes, but ill pay you the price it is in 3 months time, and we'll settle up then. So in three months time, the price might have risen to £1.10 a ton, so ill pay you £100 and then immediately sell it for £110. You dont have to deliver the iron ore, all we do is swap paper.
Your still paying the old price then in 3 months time. How do the seller's make money with this deal?
wealth is only created when people buy or barter produts or services at above the price they cost to provide

they can then further supply the same goods or services with a further mark up and every ones happy
further proffit and loss is only avalable if what you are selling is both proffitable and competatively priced
What's the difference between wealth and profit?

If wealth comes from resources from the ground such as oil and those resources are becoming scarcer and harder to acquire then are we destined to head toward poverty?

As the population of the World keeps on rising out of control - does that mean we have to share that wealth around with twice as many people - hence lose half of that wealth?
Population has got nothing to do with poverty.
The Uk has the highest population in its history yet we are healthier and better fed than ever.
Futures trading is another way to make wealth. You sell iron ore, and today the price is £1 a ton. So ill buy 100 tonnes, but ill pay you the price it is in 3 months time, and we'll settle up then. So in three months time, the price might have risen to £1.10 a ton, so ill pay you £100 and then immediately sell it for £110. You dont have to deliver the iron ore, all we do is swap paper.
Your still paying the old price then in 3 months time. How do the seller's make money with this deal?
In this particular senario the original sellers DON'T make money....but if the price dropped to $90 (instead of rising to $110) the original seller would get $100 at a time when the price is actually $90.

The futures market is a gambling market.
[url=http://www.marketoracle.co.uk/Article18819.html]Manipulated Rigged Crude Oil Prices And The Big Bounce...McKillop[/url] said:
...World oil trading mainly concerns "paper oil" contracts traded at a rate vastly higher than actual physical oil production, supply and demand. Paper oil contracts on crude and products cover volumes and quantities at least 60 to 80 times more than actual physical supply and demand. In the case of the USA, where the oil trading system started, the difference is even bigger - usually at least 100 times. The financial players who operate the market, ranging from private investment banks and brokers through commercial banks, hedge funds and high net worth individuals set the scene for price movements, and generate the price spikes and troughs the press and government like to blame on the oil industry, environmentalists and government, or on OPEC...

What's the difference between wealth and profit?

If wealth comes from resources from the ground such as oil and those resources are becoming scarcer and harder to acquire then are we destined to head toward poverty?

As the population of the World keeps on rising out of control - does that mean we have to share that wealth around with twice as many people - hence lose half of that wealth?

Wealth is rather crudely, accumulated profits

the current ever expanding notion of eternal growth of our paper based currency system and economies is arguably somewhat flawed. "Money" is effectively derived from debt as others have mentioned. Debt as everyone knows at some point has to be paid back

The reason many many people invested over past few years at least a part of their "wealth" in gold is because they believe that this is a safe haven for preserving wealth

Lots of info around if you search t'internet
wealth is only created when people buy or barter products or services at above the price they cost to provide
Sam sold a sack of potatoes to Joe for £10. A few days later Joe sells the sack to Pete for £15. Pete puts them in the shed.

A few day's later Pete's wife finds the potatoes in the shed and uses them for the meals.

A week later Pete goes to the shed - no potatoes. "What's happened to the sack of potatoes in the shed?", he asks his wife. "You've eaten them," she replies. "You stupid woman!", he replies. "Those weren't eating potatoes; they were buying and selling potatoes!"
This is where I shed my conservative skin..when talking about ideals instead of praticalies.

The whole principle of the economy is supply and demand.
If food is scarce, food goes up in price. It does so to try and ensure that what is scarce (and therefore precious) is seen as such.

....however, we are not actually THAT far off being able to be free from supply and demand as a concept altogether. Something only has a value in money if there isn't enough for everyone. It is how you decide who gets it and who doesn't...but if there is enough for everyone even the greedy bartarts...there is no NEED for money. If, for example, everyone bought an everlasting light bulb (which exists) ......once EVERYONE has one...what is the value of a light bulb?
If we harnassed all renewable energy, running costs are almost £0 so when we made enough...what is the value of energy?

Is pretty interesting....maybe a long way off of course, but interesting.
Money is necessary as a universal gauge of value. If i want to trade pigs for cows, how do you maintain a universal value for them? How many cows per pig? Whats a sheep worth in pigs? how many chickens and pigs per Camel. If you assign them a value in an intermediate exchange medium like gold then you have the basis to trade anything for anything fairly.

The invention of gold based money, and interest based profit, is the necessary leap a civilization has to make out of a bronze age barter economy to a gold based trading economy to progress.

The next phase is the transition to paper money and credit.

The Communist Principle of "Each according to his worth, and each according to his need" doesnt work with humans, as we've seen, because humans are greedy and immoral, and people will value themselves differently to others, and guage there need differently to others, and others will simply steal and cheat. We tried that theory in a 70 year long experiment on 700 million people starting in 1918, and we all saw how horribly wrong THAT went at times.
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