Money is necessary as a universal gauge of value. If i want to trade pigs for cows, how do you maintain a universal value for them? How many cows per pig? Whats a sheep worth in pigs? how many chickens and pigs per Camel. If you assign them a value in an intermediate exchange medium like gold then you have the basis to trade anything for anything fairly.
The invention of gold based money, and interest based profit, is the necessary leap a civilization has to make out of a bronze age barter economy to a gold based trading economy to progress.
The next phase is the transition to paper money and credit.
The Communist Principle of "Each according to his worth, and each according to his need" doesnt work with humans, as we've seen, because humans are greedy and immoral, and people will value themselves differently to others, and guage there need differently to others, and others will simply steal and cheat. We tried that theory in a 70 year long experiment on 700 million people starting in 1918, and we all saw how horribly wrong THAT went at times.
Lincs, I am not talking communism, where everyone works the same and every takes the same ration.
Say for example, you want a X-BOX and you can just walk to the factory and pick one, wouldn't that be good? Wouldn't need to buy one as there are mox x boxs than everyone would need...even if they had 2-3 ea....All you need is resources...and we have abundance.
You wouldn't there is no point, you don't need money...everything is free.
Think 'Freeware' ...people making things because they like making things.