
AHHH! Linc, mate, honestly....are you doing this as a joke?? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/sci/tech/specials/sheffield_99/449368.stm

I KNOW it wouldn't please shareholders...but shareholders are only needed when we have MONEY...which I am saying we don't need. Your reasoning is very circular.

Imagine there is no such thing as money, and we have everlasting technology (almost zero work needed)...we wouldn't need money.

Then imagine ****zee's dream world. You couldn't make it up.
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When billions are wiped of the stock market - where does the money go?
It doesn't go anywhere; it's just numbers. It's no different from house prices rising and falling. The price of shares only affects you when you are buying or selling.

You buy £1,000 of shares, hold on to them and watch the price rise and fall for several years. The price has risen so you can now get £10k for them so you decide to sell. But overnight the market drops so the next day, when you actually sell, they are only worth £9k. But as you have made a good profit on them you still sell them, sit back and thing what a lucky guy you are.

And the guy who buys them for £9k also thinks what a lucky guy he is, as yesterday he would have had to pay £10k for the same thing.

If you are crafty, and know what you are doing, you hope that the shares will continue to fall so you can buy them back at the bottom of the market for £1000, watch the price rise again, and sell at a profit again.
AHHH! Linc, mate, honestly....are you doing this as a joke?? http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/sci/tech/specials/sheffield_99/449368.stm

I KNOW it wouldn't please shareholders...but shareholders are only needed when we have MONEY...which I am saying we don't need. Your reasoning is very circular.

Imagine there is no such thing as money, and we have everlasting technology (almost zero work needed)...we wouldn't need money.

Then imagine ****zee's dream world. You couldn't make it up.

Aj, it's very clear that you neither have the imagination or intelligence to fathom just concepts, go jump off a bridge will ya? Increase the Nation Mean Intelligence.
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There's more than a little of the Alan Ducan about you isn't there, bet you have trouble sitting too ;)