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It's true that your share of democracy is not very big. How many general elections will you see during your voting lifetime? Not a lot. What difference will your single vote make amongst the millions of others? B****r all! In short, the probability that your vote will change so much as one back bench MP - still less the Prime Minister - is not much better than your chances of winning the lottery jackpot! Local elections are a bit better but not by much.

That's one way of looking at it. The other way to look at it is that if everybody took that attitude we might now be living under the iron handbag of President Thatcher if not something even worse. Democracy is a fragile thing. It is well known that garbage gravitates upwards. It should also be well known that in the absence of anything resembling democracy it is the worst kind of garbage that ends up on top. The history books do record a few 'good' dictators (I think Portugal had one while Spain was lumbered with Franco) but they are very much the exception. Those who will take power purely for the benefit of their fellow man are few and far between.

The logical conclusion is that your vote DOES matter. Your share of democracy IS very small so you can't afford to waste any of it. I've said this before but I'll say it again anyway. If you don't like any of the mainstream parties then vote Green, vote Independent, vote Monster Raving Loony if you like but get off your backside and VOTE.
And given the efficiency of local authorities, make sure you vote as many times each election as you can.
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ok then if you dont vote, you dont deserve an opinion and you certainly dont have a right to sit there and moan about it all!
Thermo said:
ok then if you dont vote, you dont deserve an opinion and you certainly dont have a right to sit there and moan about it all!

AGREED MATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D
as it happens i DO have an opinion, and yes i do moan, but i look at it this way.

there are 3 parties, they are all liars, so i will not vote for any of them.

your way is to vote for the one you disslike the least, i hate thenm all the same
breezer said:
as it happens i DO have an opinion, and yes i do moan, but i look at it this way.

there are 3 parties, they are all liars, so i will not vote for any of them.

your way is to vote for the one you disslike the least, i hate thenm all the same

If you do NOT vote then you do not have a point of view. So how can you say you have a point of view. Your legal right to vote is there but you say NO!!, i will voice my concerns on DIY. com............................MUPPET!!! :rolleyes:
you started it, i didnt

i mereley stated my opinion after you said

If you do not vote you do not have an opinion

it is not me who is the muppet, it is you
The point in voting is that it's your privilege, and about the only thing they can't tax you on.

Throughout history people have worked hard and even laid down their lives to protect your right of suffrage. Not to exercise that right is to value those lives cheaply. :evil:

If you don't like any of the major parties, vote for a minority party. If you don't like any of the minority parties, then you can vote for "none of the above" by showing up and spoiling your ballet paper. They are obliged to count spoiled papers.

Imagine if 30% of the electorate voted for each of the major parties, and the other 40% turned up and spoiled their papers. That would be a lot more worthwhile than just 60% of the electorate showing up.
If half the people cannot even look after simple finances and run up huge debt entailing massive interest repayments, whilst buying cut price 'bargains' what benefit is there in them having a 'say' in running the country ?
We get what we deserve.
Maggie had a go at taxing voting.

Introduce single transferrable vote. Instead of an x mark each candidate 1,2,3,4, as far as you care to go. One with the lowest votes is eliminated and his votes go to the next preference marked on the papers. Keep going until only one is left.

That way we can vote for who we really want and still also vote for the party we can live with. Now you pretty often just have to forget the one you want because you know he hasn't a chance under the present system. Spoiling your paper is all very well, but it does not keep out the party you hate.
I guess if one 'hates' a party, then a Psychiatrist rather than a vote may be far more appropriate than a mere vote.
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