pipme said:
If half the people cannot even look after simple finances and run up huge debt entailing massive interest repayments, whilst buying cut price 'bargains' what benefit is there in them having a 'say' in running the country ?
We get what we deserve.

Good point, I forgot to take into account the "f**kwit factor". ;)

Although if we could easily have people certified as mentally incapable, then they wouldn't be allowed to vote. :idea:
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Give New Labour time ... Animals, sorry, even more animals will be given the vote soon ......
Better than voting - stand. If we could get away from the party system and just have local representatives all over the country, we could get back to honest debate without pre-decided outcomes. Might give it a go next time.
people died to give you the opportunity to have a voice. Those who do not use it are desecrating the graves of those who fought for it!
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I was getting bored of the political arguments on here so tonight is the first time I even looked at this topic, but having read the posts I feel I have to comment.

Not voting, or voting for a minority party, is silly. Also, thinking that your vote doesn't count is silly. Every vote counts, that's democracy.

What I disagree with is the current voting system. The party I voted for wasn't the party I wanted to win, and here's why:

I wanted Lib Dems to be in power. I knew it wasn't going to happen in this election, but I'd like to see it in future. However, the constituency I live in has been Conservative for as long as I remember. In order of preference my choice of government would be "LD, Lab, Consv". So in theory I should have voted for the LD candidate, but because I knew that would be a wasted vote, I ticked Labour just in the hope of getting the Conservative MP out of his seat. Sadly it didn't work.

Whatever your opposing views may be (and I know many of you did want to see Consv back in), my point is:

Proportional Representation.

Then we'll all be able to vote for who we really want, and see a much fairer result.

(end of ninebob's rant)
Indeed, Single transferrable vote. Like what they use in N Ireland, London Mayor. What they use when people start shooting if the result is perceived to be unfair. Still retains the constituency link to the member, which is a good thing to prevent realy slimy people getting in just on a party ticket. But also allows you to vote for who you really want, and still support your lesser favourites.