Where will this migrant crisis end?

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Aljesreera (sp) and Russia Today are good.
Critics of RT like to point out that the station is funded by the Russian government,yet the same critics have no problem with the fact the BBC is also state funded.
I watch RT and the BBC both havet good points and bad points,both are propaganda stations.
When it comes to foreign affairs the job of the BBC is to tell us who our enemies are that is why when it comes to anything Russian the story is always negative,Watch any currant affairs programme and when the subject of Russia comes up the guests and the host all sing of the same hymn sheet, so it is unsurprising that the Russians have responded by broadcasting world events from their perspective,when it comes to Western Europe and America they concentrate on the more negative aspects of life in these countries, the good thing is that you are under no legal obligation to believe any thing you see or hear on any news station.
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While I accept that the BBC may have some bias it is interesting that in countries with radio stations that are obviously biased / controlled by the government the people will often choose the BBC if they want to get factual statements rather than propaganda.
Critics of RT like to point out that the station is funded by the Russian government,yet the same critics have no problem with the fact the BBC is also state funded.

Might be because one country is a deeply corrupt oligarch paradise run by a 'democratically elected' ex KGB agent. Whilst the other country is run by rich ****s that get rotated every 4-5 years, but is otherwise sitting in the top group of countries in the corruption index. (14th place out of 175).

When it comes to foreign affairs the job of the BBC is to tell us who our enemies are that is why when it comes to anything Russian the story is always negative

Why would it be positive, what positive news is there to report regarding Russia?
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Critics of RT like to point out that the station is funded by the Russian government,yet the same critics have no problem with the fact the BBC is also state funded.

Might be because one country is a deeply corrupt oligarch paradise run by a 'democratically elected' ex KGB agent. Whilst the other country is run by rich ****s that get rotated every 4-5 years, but is otherwise sitting in the top group of countries in the corruption index. (14th place out of 175).

When it comes to foreign affairs the job of the BBC is to tell us who our enemies are that is why when it comes to anything Russian the story is always negative

Why would it be positive, what positive news is there to report regarding Russia?
They are going to host the World cup for a start.
Another positive story from Russia is that they don't have thousands foreigners trying to break into their country LOL.
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They are going to host the world cup because they likely offered the biggest bribe, have you not been keeping up with the football corruption 'scandal'?

I hope that was not your best effort?
Usual old lefty claptrap. Says that the immigrants will put more into the economy than they take out. Studies show that's not true of non-EU migrants. So, what other info has been fabricated to hook people like John?

The video may explain a bit about Syria, but seeing as only 38% of the influx are actually Syrians, it doesn't represent anything like the whole truth. What about the 62% who are mostly economic migrants?

If you use such sources to form your view of the world John, it's hardly surprising that you accuse others of always making "nasty" comments. Others who don't live in a sanitized bubble must seem uncharitable, but your stance seems completely oblivious to hard, unpleasant truths. The type of people who are on their way may be desperate - but you are confusing the desperation for a better life with other motives. Very few will actually be asylum seekers, because you have overlooked the fact that they have come from camps in safe countries and/or travelled through ten safe countries to get to Germany. Hardly in fear of their lives, are they? Mostly economic migrants, pulling on the heart strings of the gullible, and cherry-picking countries where they will get an easy ride on the taxpayer.
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You find that more disgusting than 2.30 - 2.45? Perhaps it's a truth you prefer not to hear. I find the fact more disgusting than the comment. How many drowned today?

I expect you're happy with 5.16 - 5.25 though.
I think the UK has let enough in already. You're letting the PR of a drowned child cloud reasoning, as has happened to millions in The UK. We can't base an immigration policy on people who chose to risk putting to sea in dinghies and sometimes pay the price of their stupidity.

The real villains of the piece are Germany for giving hope to millions of economic migrants which has encouraged them to risk all. It's not The UK taxpayer's problem. We're overstretched in most areas and have a debt of 1.5 trillion and rising. It's unfair on the indigenous population to expect them to keep accepting the world's problems. Where does it end? We're talking of potentially tens of millions of extra mouths to feed.
You find that more disgusting than 2.30 - 2.45? Perhaps it's a truth you prefer not to hear. I find the fact more disgusting than the comment. How many drowned today?

I expect you're happy with 5.16 - 5.25 though.

Well let's hope one day soon John, you'll wake up and see that YOU are the problem.
The real villains of the piece are Germany for giving hope to millions of economic migrants which has encouraged them to risk all.

Germany stated that it will take 800,000 of them. Then a few days later closes the border with Austria because there's too many to cope. Utter b****cks from Merkel. She's expecting (dictating more like) that the rest of Europe take a share. I think she's lost a lot of credibility as a supposed world leader.
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