So you've never seen a motor bike come to grief because he was overtaking cars at 100mph when the cars on the road thought he was doing about 80mph and simply pulled across in front of him? Isn't it true that the helmet protects the head which then detaches from the body and rolls down the motorway?
Oh and why do you need a car that does twice the maximum speed limit?
You must have a heck of an ego problem.
reread it
i have two 130mph cars but it is hard to buy a nice car that will not do summat like that speed.
i was questioning the need for such powerful cars in my 150mph remark.
i made a statement and did not ask a question because it takes away from the thread.
the motorbike.
ive never seen it but i have nearly been there, so to speak.
helmets come off joe, ive never seen or heard of anyone losing their head unless it was cut at the neck but i suppose it could happen.
i found a head in an underpass under the m40 when i was told to search but that was from a woman who came out from a mercedes car. the other woman passenger had flown six lanes and was in someones front garden.
it happens.
ive seen motor cyclists go in the ambos with their hands tied behind their back and their head facing the wrong way round.
ive seen em impailed on the back of scaffolding lorries.
joe, ive seen more than people should ever see.
imho motor cyclists die more often due to other road users not paying attention than anything the biker has done.
i cannot explain why i go fast on the bike because even if i actually try to go slow i find myself going fast a little while later.
speed does not kill, lack of attention and allowance kills.
ive been down twice in thirty years, ive never crashed a car and i never bumped my fire brigade machine in one of londons busiest stations. that is unheard of, believe me!
i dont speed to p88s people off.
we all do it, we all do something else if we say we dont speed.
hard not to have an ego when yer as andsome as me