who does not speed

The motorcyclist was going far too fast for the road conditions and the van and car had already pulled out way in advance, just because the motorcyclist was going so fast did he then have a problem with the other vehicles impeding his travel, besides he was a wimp on a bike that drove off at speed in the opposite direction when he thought he was about to get his ears boxed by the van driver.

In case you think I'm a biased car driver, I had bikes for over 30 years before giving them up and sticking to cars so i am aware of how some bikers think they own the road.

post edited to include bolded word "some"
how to ruin a thread.
post a youtube video.

tim w
have you seen the light then? you think that you owned the road whan you had a bike but now you dont?
how does that work? i have bikes cars vw campers and access to a lorry that can blast down a high street.. when do i own the road? i cant decide when it should be..

m8, you are a reasonable man on here, dont blow it for a video.
(i have not watched it and i wont be)
whoever is right or wrong in the video does not make every other bike or van user a numpty.
you know that..

breezers :D
Sorry my statement may have sounded like i was suggesting all bikers "own the road" but of course its the few maniacs that give bikers a bad name.

What i meant to say is that the one in the video to me seemed to be of that ilk.

I have edited my previous post to rectify my error

apologies to all respectful drivers and bikers
my point is that maniac bikers end up dead.
not many car/van drivers get killed in the accident they cause with bikes.

i have admitted my faults on this thread and they are faults which i cannot defend. i dont like people telling me what to do but i wouldnt say that i am wrong just to appease any group/person/pressure.

i absolutely despise what mega has said here, his attitude is disgusting and i will applaud when someone drags him from his car and gives him a severe beating. (only a matter of time methinks)
his attitude comes from his protection inside the comfy womb of a car.

any road improvements will quickly be filled by more and faster cars driven by people who pay less attention. i cant say that as fact but i sure we all know it to be true.

the thing i struggle with is that i think that mega, in an indirect way, is one of the only truly honest people on this thread.
we all do something wrong, we use our car or van to block someone else 'because they are speeding' we use the phone, we do lots of things but not many pay the attention we should.
we all want a group of other road users to be banned from the roads.

i dont like big lorries (political, get containers on the railway)
white vans, way to fast and much too aggressive.
couriers, the worst.

when we go fast we create a log jam and log jams do not flow.

sorry mega, im sure you write for effect but...
AtoZ(is that name derived from the map guide or a librarian in star trek? ;) ) You should watch the video , you may tend to agree with what i was saying about that biker.
megawatt";p="817999 said:
I break speed limits because I get bored driving within them

i wasn't aware that roads were meant as some kind of entertainment.

maybe they should have t.v. or clowns at the side of the road. we can't have bored drivers now can we.

naa, stuff it. lets all break the speed limit when we are bored.

good idea MW. :rolleyes:
I think we all know who the clown is. I can just picture meggawat driving down the M6 with his red shiny nose and funny hair that flips up every time he passes another car. My what big red lips he has. :LOL:
AtoZ Wrote:
I absolutely despise what mega has said here, his attitude is disgusting and i will applaud when someone drags him from his car and gives him a severe beating. (only a matter of time methinks)
his attitude comes from his protection inside the comfy womb of a car.
Hmmmnnnn ... So you think anyone who drives a car over the speed limit should be dragged out of their car and beaten ... And you think I've got a problem :rolleyes:

Why do you think me driving at 90 mph on a clear day down a clear motorway would make people so angry that they would want to drag me from the car and attempt to beat me up?

Perhaps you should take a look at your own values and work out why this causes you such a problem ... I've included a link below which may help you.


And, no I'm not writing this for effect I just happen to believe that there are far more worthwhile causes to channel your energy into than the odd motorist breaking the speed limit. ;)

Oh ... And I drive a 2.4 Honda Accord ... Not a van (of any colour).

there are far more worthwhile causes to channel your energy into than the odd motorist breaking the speed limit. ;)


At least you admit you're odd. You'll get caught sooner or later.
AtoZ Wrote:
I absolutely despise what mega has said here, his attitude is disgusting and i will applaud when someone drags him from his car and gives him a severe beating. (only a matter of time methinks)
his attitude comes from his protection inside the comfy womb of a car.
Hmmmnnnn ... So you think anyone who drives a car over the speed limit should be dragged out of their car and beaten ... And you think I've got a problem :rolleyes:

You certainly have the ability to misrepresent what people say. AtoZ mentioned you, not anyone. If you slowed down, you might see things more clearly.
As do you Oilman.

AtoZ nor you nor anyone else on this forum knows me from Adam and so statements such as the above are generalisations based on attitudes and my attitude is typical of far more people on the roads than not and yet I don't feel the need to drag someone from their car and beat them up simply because they overtake me above the speed limit.

Get a life you sad man.
