AtoZ Wrote:
I absolutely despise what mega has said here, his attitude is disgusting and i will applaud when someone drags him from his car and gives him a severe beating. (only a matter of time methinks)
his attitude comes from his protection inside the comfy womb of a car.
Hmmmnnnn ... So you think anyone who drives a car over the speed limit should be dragged out of their car and beaten ... And you think I've got a problem
Why do you think me driving at 90 mph on a clear day down a clear motorway would make people so angry that they would want to drag me from the car and
attempt to beat me up?
Perhaps you should take a look at your own values and work out why this causes you such a problem ... I've included a link below which may help you.
And, no I'm not writing this for effect I just happen to believe that there are far more worthwhile causes to channel your energy into than the odd motorist breaking the speed limit.
Oh ... And I drive a 2.4 Honda Accord ... Not a van (of any colour).
i never said that anyone speeding should get smacked but someone who will write this with apparent pride deserves an attitude adjustment.
Not in many cases, its often stupidity which is the killer. Why should I have to drive slower just so that I don't kill the clown on a bike who pulls out in front of me (only damage them for life)?
you wrote this mega and then have the nerve to post a link to condemn me.
so its ok to end the life of a motorcyclist or maybe just damage them for life because you're bored.
although i wont be using your pathetic link i do appreciate your concern
i wonder,in the scheme of things, which would be worse.
giving someone a beating for hurting or killing someone and for, most importantly, dismissing it simply because 'one was bored with speed limits'.
or killing someone because you are so self important that you think the rules are for someone else.
i know what i think, anybody reading will make up their own minds without your 'links' to websites to deflect from your own faults.
your assertion that we need to accept traffic, and that slowing down as traffic increases, does not ring true in either case.
the m25 proved beyond doubt that if you make a new road it gets filled and houses and businesses get built close by because of the road access.
the m25 also proved that by slowing traffic (variable speed limits) that more cars pass per hour and that we actually get to journeys end just as quickly and with a lot less frustration.
it always makes me laugh when people defend the indefensible.
you disregard any rule that suits you but would crucify anybody who breaks and rule that you deem right..
2.4 honda aint quick enough to run from even a medium bike