Who started the riots with misinformation? A white right winger? Nah!

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Mrs CB works for Social Services and the general feedback from social workers dealing with asylum seekers and immigrants is that the majority want to work , study and generally get on in life. Most say they prefer to work with them rather than UK families
The few that get dealt with.

What about the vast majority that laugh at us.
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Bit of a silly question really!
The British govt can’t control who leaves France in small boats

So what do people think they will gain by protesting?

The problem is idiots believe the bilge spouted by Farage…..who by the way has no solutions at all
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Right Notch, it’s well past nine o clock. Meds then bed. Night night.
people who think people in smalls boats come here to do nothing are extremely shallow and lack critical thought.
people who think people in smalls boats come here to do nothing

Would you be happy for ANYONE who wants to come here on a small boat to do 'something' should be allowed to come here? Anyone? With no checks - criminal or health? Any limits?
Would you be happy for ANYONE who wants to come here on a small boat to do 'something' should be allowed to come here? Anyone? With no checks - criminal or health? Any limits?
Common sense and logic won’t work with the apologist massive
Hey @Notch7 Why do you think the government will not compile data on crimes committed by those applying for or having been refused asylum? I’ll tell ya. People will be even angrier and it would show people like yourself to be the wets they really are.
The French ( scoundrels ) are aiding the migration across the channel ;)

They are probably considering ?? Emptying there
There lunatic asylums and sending them across ?
Would you be happy for ANYONE who wants to come here on a small boat to do 'something' should be allowed to come here? Anyone? With no checks - criminal or health? Any limits?
The Tories obviously thought so.

Look at the processing figures
What about the vast majority that laugh at us.
Our fellow Europeans? You can't blame them. It's not like they are pointing their fingers and saying 'I told you so' rather, what 'morons would vote for that garbage in the first place'.
I think the underestimated just how many poorly educated, gullible morons their are in the UK.
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