Who started the riots with misinformation? A white right winger? Nah!

Notch is very rambley this morning. Notch says 50% of the population are calling the riots "the Farage riots". Charlie George says 64% of the population blame immigration for the riots. @carmanmemoranda asks for proof of Charlie Georges percentages (”Made up claim, or something to back it up?”) but he doesn’t ask for proof of Notch’s percentages. Why is that? Perhaps he already has that proof so perhaps he can show it because Notch sure as hell won’t.
Over half the population blame the Farage riots on Farage.

The clue is in the name.
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Over half the population blame the Farage riots on Farage.

The clue is in the name.

You do talk such utter shìt these days. I am genuinely concerned for your mental health - you used you be just an occasional **** a while back but now you seem to be a full time one.
Try it another way mottie

Can you say farage holds no responsibilities for the riots, whatsoever?
Over half the population blame the Farage riots on Farage.

The clue is in the name.

You do talk such utter shìt these days. I am genuinely concerned for your mental health - you used you be just an occasional **** a while back but now you seem to be a full time one.

Polling by Savanta seen by Huffpost shows that 51% of the public blame the Reform UK leader for the disorder, which led to hundreds of arrests
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I think you’ve missed my very subtle joke. Hey, ho.
Your response to Ihavenosense wasn't a joke, it was intended to reinforce his comment that his lies were true, They weren't.
The Pakistani fellow was not an Islamist, not even a Muslim.
You and he are just promoting islamophobia with your disinformation.

An islamist, the REAL extreme far right. I think any member of the now defunct EDL would balk at the idea of decapitating someone, or blowing up children, but this lot seem to do it for sh1ts and giggles.
Don’t use facts and common sense, the GD moral soldiers won’t allow that!!
Ihavenosense's post wasn't a true reflection of reality, it was intended to generate hatred against Muslims with false information.
Polling by Savanta seen by Huffpost shows that 51% of the public blame the Reform UK leader for the disorder, which led to hundreds of arrests
Maybe they do but it depends where the sample was taken and even so, nowhere apart from in Notch's post have I seen them described as "The Farage riots" let alone 50% of people using the term as notch says. I saw an article on the BBC the other night from America where everyone interviewed were still staunch supporters of Trump. Where were they being asked - at a redneck tractor death and destruction derby event!
It’s both yes and no depending on how your brain is wired and/or whether you voted for Brexit.
But you.

Can you say farage holds no responsibility for the riots whatsoever?

Or are you agreeing he was/is part of the problem?

I say he was a major factor. Very responsible for them
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