A wise ex Mosad man pointed out that Israel has fell into Hamas's trap and they are winning the war of words. The news isn't doing Israel any good at all. More and more comes out.What could Hamas possibly hope to gain with their invasion? Do you not think this retaliation was entirely predictable? Do you think they considered this and didn't care?
The US has been know to say don't over react. It seems they did interfere once - Bush, also comments from some on just how hard the situation is to control even reference to the Israeli propaganda lot. One rather senior US man used the F word to describe Benjamin. It was related to who was in control, them or him.
Hamas view tricky. A terrorist may feel that the end justifies the means. They have increased the awareness of the situation to extreme levels world wide. Previously the interest was rather limited to smaller groups. More people may have heard the common view that the Gaza Strip is really an open air prison.
Hamas have also said they have made a mistake but no mention of what - to the west anyway.
You may have heard that the end game is a 2 state solution. If achieved job done as far as Hamas is concerned however they expect some involvement in the government. The general view is that the PA needs to have a different form.
Meanwhile to handle the eventual peace the US have budgeted Israeli arms aid out to 2029. They are also making a lot of noise about diplomacy. They point out that no party involved in the entire area want more wars yet in real terms they have little control but true none will want other wars but it's down to them.