A couple of ongoing genocides for someone to get their teeth into.

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom

I know genocides are a 'thing' with a certain person on this forum. These might take his mind off the 'state of Israel' for a while. I look forward to his reports of daily atrocities committed by the perpetrators unless I’m mistaken and it’s only the state of Israel he has a disliking for.
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My Dad taught English as a foreign language around the world. He's been to many countries.

He was teaching in Burma (now Myanmar) in the late 1980s, which ended abruptly with him being airlifted out after the military troubles of 8.8.88.

The students protested en masse and the military shot a great many of them.

Awful what is going on in China, 1000s of mosques being destroyed and the Uyghurs being killed or held in massive prison camps, bound to see massive protests in London over it, and the Arab countries will no doubt stop oil sales.

I know genocides are a 'thing' with a certain person on this forum. These might take his mind off the 'state of Israel' for a while. I look forward to his reports of daily atrocities committed by the perpetrators unless I’m mistaken and it’s only the state of Israel he has a disliking for.
I guess the reason people in Britain and America single out Israel for criticism is because their governments are complicit in what's going on in Gaza.
The Israelis couldn't do what they are doing to Palestinians without active support from America and Britain.
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This Ughur caper seems to disappear from the headlines only to resurface when the usual suspects are trying to divert attention from the latest atrocities committed by the 'only democracy in the middle east' lol.
China, like a lot of countries has a problem with Islamic fundamentalists carrying out terrorist attacks.
Anthony Blinken accused China of genocide in Ughur land and in the same same speech he denied there was genocide in Gaza.
So, what does Blinken expect China to do?maybe he should send Netanyahu over to China to advise the Chinese on how to carry out genocide in a manner acceptable to America.
Anyway I thought the accusations of real genocide had been downgraded to a sort of cultural genocide due to the lack of evidence that real genocide had actually taken place.

I read that 16000 mosques had been destroyed by the Chinese but no one seems to know where.

I watched a lot of anti Chinese videos about this Ughur problem but they never seem to show any real evidence.

I came across this video, appears genuine.
Gives a different insight.

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Israel is a Western democracy and ally on the edge of Europe. Very different to China and Myanmar.

Better comparisons might be with the huge support that most British people gave to the Kosovans and before that the Bosnians.
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Interesting to see the anti-Palestine lobby trying to say "we aren't the only mass murderers in the world."

Is that meant to be an excuse?
What genocide?
China isn't bombing the Uyghurs, nor shooting them in the street, as far as i know.
The Chinese have always been suspicious of proselytizing religion and the rise of fundamental Islam hasn't done anything to change their mind. That, i think, is the main reason why they introduced a doctrine of 're-education' in camps, to avoid the kind of terrorism suffered in Western democracies.
yeah what Genocide?

In a Genocide would you expect a population to get smaller ?

Gaza sept 2023, population 2.1 million, birth rate 60,000 per year

Since Oct 7th, Hamas (the terrorist group) claims 40,000 people have been killed (x5÷8 so probably closer to 25,000 (of which ½ will have been combatants))

so even if we believe the dodgy figures of Hamas (the terrorist organisation that carried out a horrible and disgusting massacre of young jewish people attending a music festival) Then the population of gaza may have went up by 20,000 (or 47,500 if we adjust Hamas' (the terrorist group) dodgy figures that will have most certainly been doctored)
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