And some say MP's are lazy work shirking buggers…

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Usual suspects chirping in off topic. Now back to the thread.

Isn't this exactly what the usual suspects have been bleating on about for years from the last administration or does it not matter now and KS will make everything perfect.
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Usual suspects chirping in off topic. Now back to the thread.
Isn't this exactly what the usual suspects have been bleating on about for years from the last administration or does it not matter now and KS will make everything perfect.
As Denso (and the article ) says, this donation was before he was elected.
It is understood the donation was made to Mr Conlon soon after he was selected as a Labour candidate for the constituency at the end of last year.
You should read and ensure you understand the contents of the articles that you present before posting insinuations that it was a bribe.
Usual suspects chirping in off topic. Now back to the thread.

Isn't this exactly what the usual suspects have been bleating on about for years from the last administration or does it not matter now and KS will make everything perfect.
If ks will make everything perfect (which nobody has claimed), you presumably accept the Tories left a mess that badly needs sorting.

The country decided labour was the better choice to do that.
Don't be silly boys and girls this is exactly what you criticized about the last administration. Same grift and cronyism different colour.
I don't agree with donations to political parties at all. But I don't think you will ever stop it.

But do get the actual facts right......

It is understood the donation was made to Mr Conlon soon after he was selected as a Labour candidate for the constituency at the end of last year.
Don't be silly boys and girls this is exactly what you criticized about the last administration. Same grift and cronyism different colour.
It's all open and transparent. You might take the view that MP's/prospective MP's should not accept any donations though.

"During the general election, it provided support to Labour candidates in target seats in England, Scotland and Wales, helping create links between the union and future Parliamentarians."

And what point are you trying to make? The donation was made timing is irelavant.
No that's just stupid Carmen.

However the persistent attacks from the usual suspects are very quiet now for exactly the same type of appointment / donations. Why is that? Is it OK as they are not Tory's?

PS how much has the labour party received from the unions since 2020?
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