And some say MP's are lazy work shirking buggers…

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The Train Operating Companies are creaming off as much profit as they can whilst trying to avoid decent wages and conditions, especially for the engineers, maintenance and platform staff in RMT union
Oh, I thought they were charitable institutions. Are you telling me they are businesses now with people in charge expecting to make money? Disgraceful!
Did I mention unqualified trainees? Did anyone? Would anyone be inconvenienced by a person not qualified to drive a train going on strike?
Train drivers can expect to begin with an average starting salary of £30,000,

Trainees get £25,000
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Train drivers can expect to begin with an average starting salary of £30,000,

Trainees get £25,000
What’s that got to do with anything. Do trainees or beginners get the same as experienced, long time employees in any trade or industry?
Imho I don’t think train driving would be that difficult

3 or 4 weeks training at best and it would be sorted ??
Nudging £70k (without overtime) for pushing a lever back and forth is a little bit more than decent.
I don't like to join in these sort of threads, but try driving a train with the ultimate responsibility for the lives of up to 700 passengers; at speeds of up to 125mph; trying to keep to a timetable; trying to drive economically and comfortably for the passengers; having the route knowledge to know every signal, crossing, stopping point and speed limit; having to know the railway rulebook inside out; having to deal with unexpected situations and mechanical issues; and having to maintain absolute concentration for hours on end, knowing that a SPAD could end your career; and then to top it off, you have idiots trespassing, crossing the lines and those that for some unknown reason decide to end it all by jumping out in front of your train - I have only had a couple of experience days driving a locomotive; but even I can say that driving a train is not simply 'pushing a lever back and forth'.

There are plenty of YouTube videos out there showing 'cab views' - they give a good impression of what driving is all about. Don Coffeys channel is a good starting place.
Oh, I thought they were charitable institutions. Are you telling me they are businesses now with people in charge expecting to make money? Disgraceful!
They are foreign owned sovereign wealth funds whose only interest is creaming off profits whilst they cut working conditions and pay from workers

Perks of being a boss. Do you have a boss in charge of you?
Mottie approves of massive pay rises for bosses whilst the company is run badly and spends its time trying to,stiff the workers.

Typical Tory
Was Nige Lying?

"[The list] is drawn up by House of Commons officials based on information provided to them by MPs."
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