Mixed stories paint a picture of the ventilators contributing little help to many patients. Not sure if you saw that viral video today of a Spanish ICU worker saying they are completely swamped and anyone over 65 is being bumped off the waiting list and just left sedated to die due the low chances of them surviving anyway. Desperate times
Until we start to find effective treatments to covid19 (as the Ventilator option isn't the holy grail here) and the other variants of this virus i don't see how Europe and the UK are going to cope as well as China managed. (ok Germany seems an exception for now) and then we have the USA, fck me they are in the sh't.
I heard the same comment about Italy and the over 65's. Our lot say it depends and they are always making similar decisions anyway and likely to be basing them on those other counties findings. Depends on a persons state when they get to the ventilator stage. Certain things say they wont recover. No details what. It's not fair when these people will have been paying for other peoples health all of their working life. To be honest I would like to see what is going on in the other Nightingales. Zero info. Some hospital has already complained about the number of unused ventilators in Number 1. One thing that has come out but not clearly is that anyone that finishes up on a ventilator has a limited chance of recovering and that they can take many months to recover fully. Lung damage I suppose and that may not recover.
Treatment. I'm surprised the Chinese didn't look at that. I can recollect people saying that they haven't taken malaria precaution medication because of side effects but who knows.
There is another load of don't go out of the house for 3month letters being sent - for your own safety. This might be down to having a better idea of risks from deaths. Average age on a ventilator has been said to be 60 but that doesn't match what some doctors who are actually treating people have said - 50's has been mentioned and younger.
To be honest I am concerned about the wide spread use of "details" being used to show that everything appears to be ok when in real terms it isn't. The ICU usage may be being flattened by not putting some on them. Average age - well one 80 year old is 30 years older than a 50 year old. Straight averages can be misleading. Nightingale 1 is a show piece - what about the others. And etc. Business loans, fixed now but you don't get one if you can borrow off the bank at an inflated interest rate. The gov loan is free for some time - why when conventional economics don't make much sense at the moment. Wonder what the IMF thinks. World money is just paper at the moment even more so than it has been. LOL I'm going into angry old man mode.