Big Numbers today

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Massive country, homing only 10M, largest city has 1.5M.

This virus seems to make hay in big dense cities. London is the epicentre of UK virus and there are 7M. If you factor in population, there isn't that much between us.
Are you aware of what is going on there?
Yes. The habits of city people bring them together in groups irrespective if there are a million or six million living there. Sweden are doing something right as are Germany. We are doing something catastrophically wrong.

Beaten Italys and Spain daily total and we are not even counting deaths in the community.
Are Italy and Spain's totals including those who die outside hospitals ? France Belgium and Scotland do but I tend to think most countries don't. ? But whether countries do or don't their individual chart lines will still show when they peak.

Sadly the UK is still one of the main european countries heading upwards.
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