Not much except that the situation is worse in England (London?).
However, while the overall Death/Case for the UK may be similar to that which I posted for the UK in #199 (I have not done the calculation) you have not posted Death/Population - which may avoid the problem of "unreported" cases.
No I've calculated deaths related to hospital entries and then added percentage of population that have gone into hospital to see how much that varies. Point is for some reason England's deaths related to hospital entries are far higher. It may be an ethnic aspect but that doesn't apply to ~80% of the population. The ethnic aspect is much lower in other areas of the country.
I only use the PHE figures as they are the official ones.
All morbid curiosity. I have noticed that hospital entries are statistically level day by day. In other words for something that is random indications of being basically level as is the number of people in hospital. This should be all down to the lock down. There are indications that people are only allowed into hospital when they show clear signs of needing oxygen so there may also be deaths where things got worse at a faster rate than usual so they don't make it. 2 have been reported.
Death counts as they have mentioned are even more random so rolling averages make sense. Daily figures in real terms will vary up and down.
There is also a daily unconfirmed count. On the 11th April it was 2,647 people across all regions. It's been climbing all of the time. People not being matched to a post code is mentioned so not included in the regional figures but should be in the total country figures.
They did have an NHS worker on TV that tested negative twice but confirmed via a cat scan. If that happens now and again it must make control even more difficult all round.