I read that article too. No clue what point they were trying to make? Are they suggesting we have another few thousand deaths to account for? I guess there will be heart attack and stroke victims avoiding hospital until it’s too late.
There has been several years when flu has caused a spike - you can see the average spike from the average bar. Some flues cause a lot more than others. You may hear comments like the flu jabs last year didn't achieve much - 2015 for instance, jabs from 2014. The latest spike is much higher = CV19 even if a poor year based on flue jabs not doing what they should have. Those don't happen that often. C4 had a whistle blower that reckons doctors in the community seem to be reluctant to state CV19 as the cause of death based on too many mentions of illness that have similar symptoms - seems some GP's haven't even gone and looked or have viewed the body by video.
Then he goes on to deaths not due to CV19 but caused by it being around. Eg treatment that need immune suppression or treatments that weaken the immune system. Also the drop in general hospital entries for all sorts of things - some of these will result in some people dying.
To be honest I am more worried personally about future low death rates. Some one who was 72 was interviewed outside of a supermarket. Interviewer said you should be isolating -3months, still 2 to go. The man said I am shopping - has to, no one else to do it. Stats show that survival rates if hospital is needed drop off at around 65 by the look of it and it's rather noticeable. There are something like 14million over 65's in the country. I wonder how many need to shop and what will happen as lock downs are relaxed. If the virus is around and evenly spread it will be a bit like playing russian roulette each time they go out. Death figures low but maybe continuing for a long time.
Sounds like the vulnerable groups lock down has been extended by a month. That groups was selected on the basis of medication use and a few other aspects. Might be 1.5million of them, all sorts of ages.