Big Numbers today

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Yep - its impossible to compare data from country to country. France reported 17k new cases yesterday, and apparently does less testing than we do. The only thing we really have to go on is deaths from reliable sources. Again it doesn't matter what the criteria is (within reason) as long as it consistently applied.

Germany's still a bit of a puzzler.
Must boil your pi$$.(y)

Not particularly, :cautious:, I'm just intrigued as to why the death rate is so low and nobody seems to be able to give a definitive reason why, loads of theories but nothing definitive.
Not particularly, :cautious:, I'm just intrigued as to why the death rate is so low and nobody seems to be able to give a definitive reason why, loads of theories but nothing definitive.
Strange because there normal death rate is higher than us, despite spending most on health.
For the actual numbers, ask the people in charge.

Can't say I like the style of interview used. It just highlights a problem I've mentioned before - it isn't the politicians that do the work. It's the people behind them ;) bureaucrats that might in our case get knighted. All politicians need to be able to do is get elected, come across in a suitable fashion and pick the parts of questions they want to answer when they can. They even use experts in getting elected and on swinging opinions. All politicians add is beliefs, right wing, left wing or who knows what wing. They just believe something.

So going on CV19 data. Welsh and Scotch bureaucrats are a shambles and our lot can't make ours add up sensibly. No one asks about the oddities in the data. Media questions - some of the ones in the daily brief don't really provide any useful info at all. It's not unusual for reporters to ask questions that they know wont be answered - good press/tv. Once one aspect has become humdrum they move on to something else. Eg care homes etc. It was very obvious that these areas were not being tested ages ago from the just testing hospital entries aspects - why didn't they ask about that sooner. Then comes NHS workers - obvious for the same reasons. Protective gear - why not ask where it is etc. It's a fact that the media is most interested in making noises, They do b#gger all to prevent anything and actually help some things happen via crap reporting.
Germany's still a bit of a puzzler.

Different reporting so hard to compare. Last time I saw they had over 1000 deaths. The rolling average is 200 / day and they are behind the UK time wise, that 200 is increasing. They have tested a lot more people randomly or maybe semi selected in hot spots loads will have been negative. Need hospital entries to make any sense of the numbers. Deaths on there own will depend on that plus any community deaths. Community deaths will probably be reported slowly everywhere.

They may have the capacity to test as the UK did initially via poor tracking - our capacity and thought processes ended that phase rather quickly. Them - pass.
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My dad had just had delivered crutches, commode and a walking frame before he went back in hospital and died. The frame and commode had not been used and were still wrapped. I phoned up and they didn’t want them back. We took them to the local charity shop. They had loads of 'em.

After my injury last year. I gave them no choice.. I delivered them all back to the hospital myself
I know its a crazy system -Ive had quite a few examples of this in recent years -there is no system set up to take back these items -if they do collect them they put them in a skip.

my MIL has a brand new electric profiling hospital bed and nobody has asked for it back. She isnt rushing to tell anybody as she doesnt want anybody in the house at the moment.

If no one wants it I'm sure it could help my Mum. Let me know and I'll come and pick it up after all this is over.
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