Strange because there normal death rate is higher than us, despite spending most on health.
How do we interpret the figures - assuming they are accurate?
The numbers in each column do not appear to relate consistently with each other.
Do the total number of cases and/or total cases per million reflect how the country has dealt with the virus?
Allowing for population density and country size.
Do the total number of deaths and/or total deaths per million - or deaths to cases - reflect how good the country's health service is.
India seems to be the most puzzling to me.
what consititues a test differs
What do you mean by that?
I thought the point of testing was to produce either a positive or negative (covid19)result? Are you saying that countries are putting out figures that account for how many tests they have carried out?We'll some countries have counted testing by simply doing a non contact temperature test. That doesn't really so anything, other than you are hotter than normal.