What colour is Birmingham?
Why are you asking me, when you already know the answer?
What point are you trying to make?
What colour is Birmingham?
you already know the answer?
All we are doing is easing the pressure on the NHS
But if lock down is reduced now in order to protect the economy then possibly in a year or two there may not be enough people left to maintain the economy.
Stop with the politics it's boring
countries that took early action, closed borders, tested travellers, contact tracing and did loads of testing have lower figuresThere are over 30 strains of Covid, with differing potency
Stop with the politics it's boring.
As opposed to the bitter twisted depressed remainers BHS Boris Hating Society.The impassioned BHS
Correct. I despise liars. Bozza is one of the finest there is. He needs to pull his finger out.As opposed to the bitter twisted depressed remainers BHS Boris Hating Society.
being critical of a govt that lies is not being bitterAs opposed to the bitter twisted depressed remainers BHS Boris Hating Society.
I'm not suggesting for one second tthat lock-down should be completely removed any time soon, nor under estimating the loss of life and bereavement this disease is bringing.which is necessary. Remove lock down and the number of people with Covid-19 will increase rapidly and the NHS and other services will not be able to cope. The death rate ( as a percentage of infected people ) will increase.
Yes it is obvious that the economic situation is bad and is likely to get worse.
But if lock down is reduced now in order to protect the economy then possibly in a year or two there may not be enough people left to maintain the economy.
if people develop a fear of infection, it can cause breakdown in society much greater than a small percentage of deaths. Imagine gangs of hungry plumbers roaming the streets, looting shops and robbing houses.
Some rural communities already consider outsiders to be dangerous and unwelcome. It wouldn't take much for them to man the barricades with their pitchforks.
The impassioned BHS (Boris Horn Smokers) don't like you criticising Boris get Brexit done Johnson.