I wonder how much rents have gone up under Tories.they will go up because the landlord now has to pay extra Stamp duty on a new property to rent out
I wonder how much rents have gone up under Tories.they will go up because the landlord now has to pay extra Stamp duty on a new property to rent out
After finding the black holeReeves admits it.
Chancellor Rachel Reeves admits she was 'wrong' to say higher taxes not needed during election
A month before Labour won the election, Rachel Reeves said higher taxes were not what the UK needed - but on Wednesday she raised them by the highest amount since 1993.news.sky.com
So labour are no different then - got it.I wonder how much rents have gone up under Tories.
Covered within the money they are getting provided with.Average costs to GP surgeries is in the region of 20 grand a year
Other health providers that are contracted to the NHS will
Face similar costs ???
Covered within the money they are getting provided with.
yep my reasons are still perfectly valid which had nothing at all to do with what the leave or remain campaign said and nothing has changed . unlike yourself who has admitted that you were to stupid to work out for your self what you were being told . and to this day you confirm daily how stupid you areyou claim your reason is still valid…..but you are too much of a coward to say.
Why are you too much of a coward? A = because your reason has been proven wrong.
Poor gas, wrong on brexit, wrong on Tories, wrong on climate change, wrong on covid vaccine…..wrong on everything.
Covered within the money they are getting provided with.
Err the NI change does not happen until the 6th of april 2025.. penny dropped and when is the new contract for allied NHS services (GP's, Pharmacy etc) ...clue it is a month that starts with an A...Might be next spring when the contracts are renegotiated. They ain't covered now.
Err the NI change does not happen until the 6th of april 2025.. penny dropped and when is the new contract for allied NHS services (GP's, Pharmacy etc) ...clue it is a month that starts with an A...
can you imagine a customer swallowing this:After finding the black hole
It often happens that once you start work other essential work is found.can you imagine a customer swallowing this:
There is 2000 worth of work on the car that we didn’t know about, so the bill is going to be 4000 more.
Not to mention the so called hidden black hole was as well hidden as the one at the centre of our galaxy.
If the customer lies and says the car is fine, it only needs a service, but it turns out it needs four new tyres and an engine rebuild then he/she need to stump up..can you imagine a customer swallowing this: