Can Kamala Harris win?

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I'd also throw in the fact he's acting as 'king maker' for Vance. Trump if he wins only has 1 term at best, Vance is a natural fit for his replacement.
If Trump wins, seems like it, he will not want to let go like Pootin or Chi or Trumps best mate in N Korea
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I have no idea. This is the first I have heard of this trial. You obviously know a lot more about it than me. Can you explain a bit more about how it is related? All I've found so far about "Big Guy" is some email about shares in a Chinese company. Is that partly what this trial is about?
first you have heard of it so you clearly dont follow american politics next you will be saying what laptop.
The focus is now very much on the Don's cognitive state.
he's barking mad but I don't think that is the result of any degenerative condition, or the result of being shot through the head - he's the same as he has always been,

he's american and a great representative of your archetypal shouty boastful loudmouth yank - in many ways a perfect representative for his country,

I really can't make my mind up whether I love or hate him, is he the saviour of the free world or the epitome of everything evil. I really don't know
he's barking mad but I don't think that is the result of any degenerative condition, or the result of being shot through the head - he's the same as he has always been,

he's american and a great representative of your archetypal shouty boastful loudmouth yank - in many ways a perfect representative for his country,

I really can't make my mind up whether I love or hate him, is he the saviour of the free world or the epitome of everything evil. I really don't know

Sound economic policy and an even better foreign policy. ***k China and Iran, let's sort out the world to the Wests advantage.

What's not to like?
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Sound economic policy and an even better foreign policy. ***k China and Iran, let's sort out the world to the Wests advantage.
I worry he could have a ***k Europe in his repertoire - and thats not good

if only we had Boris back - I'm sure the two peas in a pod could work well together, but we don't, we have the realistic possibility of Corbyn and 20 million migrants turning us into some ****hole state
first you have heard of it so you clearly dont follow american politics next you will be saying what laptop.
Trump is the corrupt criminal and rapist

You are desperately trying to deflect onto Biden, who is a decent man who has introduced policies for the people of America rather than feed his ego

Only unintelligent, easily led people support Trump (same people who voted Brexit and love Johnson)
I worry he could have a ***k Europe in his repertoire - and thats not good

if only we had Boris back - I'm sure the two peas in a pod could work well together, but we don't, we have the realistic possibility of Corbyn and 20 million migrants turning us into some ****hole state
He's got beef with zelensky who wouldn't dish the dirt on bidens son. If he’d been president in ww2 america would never have joined the allies. His interests lie in taking america off the world stage, which is why he's such a danger to europe and the uk, and so beloved of pootin. People make a huge mistake that because he speaks English and is aconfident successful man, he must have our interests at heart, well Clacton’s anyway.
Sound economic policy and an even better foreign policy. ***k China and Iran, let's sort out the world to the Wests advantage.

What's not to like?
Trumps trade war was a massive failure

More pain than gain: How the US-China trade war hurt America​

Trump has cancelled all debates with Kamala Harris.

Trump is running scared :ROFLMAO:

Trump is the corrupt criminal and rapist

You are desperately trying to deflect onto Biden, who is a decent man who has introduced policies for the people of America rather than feed his ego

Only unintelligent, easily led people support Trump (same people who voted Brexit and love Johnson)
a decent man who gets into a shower naked with his teenage daughter god you really are a strange person
Dumb and dumber’s mate say Trump is a proven pedophile and rapist. I don’t remember the trial, can someone provide some evidence?
Trump has cancelled all debates with Kamala Harris.

Trump is running scared :ROFLMAO:

so the debate that was to be with biden who was the presidential nominee for the democrats has been cancelled because the democrats have not actually nominated anyone yet glad we cleared that up
Dumb and dumber’s mate say Trump is a proven pedophile and rapist. I don’t remember the trial, can someone provide some evidence?
Usually, you hold trials inside your own head, without seeing the evidence and without hearing witnesses. You even invent evidence to suit your own prejudices, such as your non-existent press release.

Have you decided to stop doing that?
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