Can Kamala Harris win?

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The first debate was between Biden (the presumptive Democratic nominee, note the description 'presumptive'), and Trump the presumptive Republican nominee, (again note the description of 'presumptive')
The 'presumptive' descriptor refers to the nominee who is expected to receive the 'declared' nomination of that party, KH is currently the presumptive nominee for the Democrats, so Trump has no legitimate excuse to refuse the debate.
In case you missed it Biden as the sitting 1 term democratic president is the automatic nominee
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Trump the chicken

I can't wait to see him deflated and back in the box. :giggle:
In case you missed it Biden as the sitting 1 term democratic president is the automatic nominee
Joe Biden was still the presumptive candidate. There is no provision in the Constitution for nominating the candidates.
So your assertion is only based on custom.
Gasser supports convicted rapists. What a plonker...
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In case you missed it Biden as the sitting 1 term democratic president is the automatic nominee
You keep on digging that hole :ROFLMAO:

Dementia Don is sh1t scared of debating with a state prosecutor
first you have heard of it so you clearly dont follow american politics next you will be saying what laptop.

What a very strange and defensive answer. I knew a little bit about the laptop, I also knew there was going to be a gun trial, although I wasn't even aware it had taken place. But I was totally unaware of the tax trial. Not everyone is that interested in Joe Biden's family. That may surprise you! You won't find a single previous post where I mention Hunter Biden. But now I have started reading up on it, all I was asking you, as someone who seems to be very much on top of these things, was how the email about shares in this Chinese deal is related to the tax trial. You are the one who linked them together. This is a discussion forum, and as far as I am concerned, this is how grown ups have a discussion. They ask questions and share information.
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Imagine supporting a convicted rapist and paedophile who has bought off parents left right and centre. What a piece of ****.
Convicted rapist now.

Convicted in a criminal court no doubt.

Hmm not so much.
Benjamin leaks info on his chat with Harris. Some Israeli MP's spout off. Leak? Well she has called for a ceasefire earlier on why would a leak be needed?

Historically given history when Trump was in power Benjamin may well prefer him to be in power. So will she be up against the Israeli propaganda machine? It's known to be extensive. Or is it a warning aimed at the democrats.
Found guilty of rape you say. By a court that had jurisdiction to make such a finding?

Was he convicted of rape - that will be a no then.
Gasser supports convicted rapists. What a plonker...
So that's Desno the liar and plonker.
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