Can Kamala Harris win?

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I certainly hope so.

But Trump has won before, the great American public have form

I’m not sure why you dislike him TBH
I don't dislike him, i just don't thnk America is ready to elect an openly gay man and a woman of colour to the WH.

A list of likely candidates has one or two interesting nominations - Senator Mark Kelly of Arizona would be a good choice. A former astronut, and managed to keep a distance from Biden's border policy, he'd appeal to a broad church in a key state.
Irish problems don't relate to this particular thread. Gaza after a fashion does but only in respect to what candidates have said and probable results as far as voters are concerned. It is a vote influencing subject.

Harris has stressed "ceasefire", serious concerns about humanitarian aspects.
Trump it seems carry on but attend a "truce" talk in Rome next week. Benjamin feels he may have exerted enough military pressure to achieve something.

It seems Harris's full statement went like this
"I made clear my serious concern about the dire humanitarian situation there," Harris said. "I will not be silent."
"Israel has a right to defend itself. And how it does so matters," she said.

Usually an accurate source rather than a cut video clip or some anti's opinion.
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and a woman
Which could be a problem. I suspect rather prevalent in the Trump camp. On the other hand record grass roots donations many 1st time donators. She is attracting what could be called different views on number of different political areas. However Hillary
A member of the Democratic Party, she was the party's nominee in the 2016 presidential election, becoming the first woman to win a presidential nomination by a major U.S. political party and the first woman to win the popular vote for U.S. president.
Times change. It's really a question of how much. Labour's Change campaign has worked out rather well. Being a woman is a factor. Trump. Well he is much as he was. Same old noises and intents. Lots of slogans that do not appear to achieve when he is in power.
The majority of the population in N.I. are not Roman Catholic.
Try telling the truth its easier to remember.
Its getting close though with birth rates, plus many young unionists voting SF. If SF MP’s had taken the oath May would have had the votes to push through her relatively sensible deal, eejits.
Staged image. Watch the video - not possible up to the point where he was moved totally off the stage.
It is strange that the Sec Serv allowed him a photo opportunity.
It is strange that the Sec Serv allowed him a photo opportunity.
would that include the member of the SS that was on her knees hiding behind trump instead of smothering him
The majority of the population in N.I. are not Roman Catholic.
Try telling the truth its easier to remember.
Your not-so-clever replacement of the words does not change the fact that there are now more Catholics than Protestants.

Catholics Now Outnumber Protestants in Northern Ireland​

Try being honest, it's easier and better respected.
You could have a point for once.
The apartheid i could envisage wouldn't be based on skin colour or religion but based on a set of moral values to which everyone would be required to subscribe to.
Which you immediately and undeservedly associate to anyone who doesn't share your ideology. :rolleyes:
Including a sovereign independent nation. :rolleyes:
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