Can Kamala Harris win?

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I haven't found commentary on whether the photo was a paste-up or not (trivial in photoshop, it would take minutes), but this later pic makes it seem entirely plausible that a photographer simply knew what he was doing-

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but this later pic makes it seem entirely plausible that a photographer simply knew what he was doing

Seems like he's a very top photographer! I read an article earlier today where he explains how he managed to get it, but I can't find it now. This is from a different article which seems to cover similar ground.

The photograph was taken by Evan Vucci, chief Washington photographer for the Associated Press. Vucci has been covering Trump since his candidacy eight years ago and in 2020 won a Pulitzer for a photograph of protests after George Floyd’s death.
Seems like he's a very top photographer! I read an article earlier today where he explains how he managed to get it, but I can't find it now. This is from a different article which seems to cover similar ground.

Stop it Jonathan, Just stop it now. For many on here the knowledge it's not a fake could be too much to bear.
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She's had a decent bounce this week, according to the Wall Street Journal poll.

Seems like he's a very top photographer! I read an article earlier today where he explains how he managed to get it, but I can't find it now. This is from a different article which seems to cover similar ground.

No reason to call "fake" whatsoever. These days almost no picture isn't cleaned up in some way. Maybe he made the flag bigger. Its size in the pic would depend on the distance he was from it and the people. He's a good photographer who knows his market. The harder he tries the luckier he gets.
I travelled a lot for work and otherwise, so had whizzy cameras They have become quite remarkable.
I have a good friend in the US, parents Democrat through and through, but they didn't vote when it was Obama on the ticket. "No way " they were going to be seen to put a n----- in the whitehouse.
A w----- n------ is probably even more beyond the, er, pale.

He record on immigration will be a target. She needs a strong economist, whether as VP or head of the Fed, who's popular. All Americans know they're digging themselves deeper in debt and need someone that can believe understands the situation and can magic it away.
Do you think he didn't do it?
Would you be ok with going to prison for rape for a long time based on the word of the accuser and the people she told?

Historic rape cases are as hard to defend as they are to prosecute.
Would you be ok with going to prison for rape for a long time based on the word of the accuser and the people she told?

Historic rape cases are as hard to defend as they are to prosecute.
There has been more than 1 accuser.
Since the 1970s, at least 26 women have publicly accused Trump of rape, kissing, and groping without consent; looking under women's skirts; and walking in on naked teenage pageant contestants. Trump has denied all of the allegations.

By his own admission he sexually assaults women.
It's pretty obvious he's a sexual predator.
Would you be ok with going to prison for rape for a long time based on the word of the accuser and the people she told?
It is often in "consent defence" cases a question of who do you believe, the victim or the accused. There is plenty of scope for doubt in the juries mind, which probably accounts for the very low conviction rate for these offences. This case differs slightly because the ex president as I understand it, completely denies the allegation, saying it was a hoax. But the principle of who do you believe still applies, and from this distance I would on balance go with the accuser.
Historic rape cases are as hard to defend as they are to prosecute.
Drop the historic and you would be more accurate
Personally I think Harris has a good chance: Obviously women like her due to women’s rights, ethnic minorities like her, younger generation like her and there are a fair few “double haters” who were turned off politics by 2 old men who were same old faces
The election has changed from one that is trumps to win, to one that is his to lose. If KH can maintain the momentum she can rise his personal attacks and turn them against him.
I rest my case. Thanks Notch.
Why do you support Trump?

He is an exceptionally awful person, somebody who wants to destroy democracy and peoples lives.

Have you ever watched one of his speeches…..rambling, incoherent, endless lies, non stop insults. Not the work of a mature adult.

I wonder what the character of a person must be like who supports him.

Trumps cognitive decline has nothing to do with whether the photo is real or not.

Your not-so-clever replacement of the words does not change the fact that there are now more Catholics than Protestants.

Catholics Now Outnumber Protestants in Northern Ireland​

Try being honest, it's easier and better respected.
The majority of N.I. is still non Roman Catholic.
You are trying to give the impression that the majority of the population is Roman Catholic.
I have explained before that the rise in the number of Roman Catholics in the population is due to immigration from Eastern Europe.

You seem intent on trying to equate Roman Catholic with Irish Nationalist/Republican.
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