Can Kamala Harris win?

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Good luck trying to get a credible source from gasman...

After graduating from Middletown High School in 2003, Vance enlisted in the US Marine Corps, served in Iraq as a combat correspondent for six months in late 2005, and served a total of 4 years. He left the Corps in order to run for Congress.
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yeah as a squaddie i would be quite happy that the guy in charge of me jumped ship and didnt deploy with me into the danger zone

A lot of the MAGA scum from the 6 January attack on the Capitol were ex-military. It won't be hard to find a few to attack Walz as well.
No two months after he put his paperwork in they were deployed but had been told months before in early 2005 as is always the case that they were being deployed. Also lies about being a retired command sergeant major (highest rank)instead of a master sergeant
No, that's incorrect.

He filed his retirement paperwork in May 2005.
His unit got notified to warm up in June 2005.
They prepared for deployment in Sept 2005
They deployed in March 2006.

If they needed him they could have stop/lossed him, but they didn't.
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The US Army's official newspaper says he was a command sergeant major btw. I'm going to trust them to get that stuff right.

Apparently he reverted to a lower rank at retirement as he hadn't been in grade long enough to cover all the promotion paperwork and qualifications. Typical army *******s.
The US Army's official newspaper says he was a command sergeant major btw. I'm going to trust them to get that stuff right.

I've actually just checked this. He was an acting command sergeant major, but the official paperwork hadn't gone through by the time he retired. So he was officially still a sergeant major. That's my best understanding anyway!
No, that's incorrect.

He filed his retirement paperwork in May 2005.
His unit got notified to warm up in June 2005.
They prepared for deployment in Sept 2005
They deployed in March 2006.

If they needed him they could have stop/lossed him, but they didn't.
wrong they were notified early 2005 before he filed his paperwork
and no he went above his superiors head who would have stopped him leaving he found out after it had been approved .
Still doesnt deflect about him lying about retired rank and being at war
I've actually just checked this. He was an acting command sergeant major, but the official paperwork hadn't gone through by the time he retired. So he was officially still a sergeant major. That's my best understanding anyway!
wrong he was provisionally promoted but never done the course so was demoted back to his rank of master sergeant
Some more info here:

Minnesota National Guard spokesperson Lt. Col. Kristen Augé told CBS News that Walz "held multiple positions within field artillery such as firing battery chief, operations sergeant, first sergeant, and culminated his career serving as the command sergeant major for the battalion."
Good luck trying to get a credible source from gasman...

After graduating from Middletown High School in 2003, Vance enlisted in the US Marine Corps, served in Iraq as a combat correspondent for six months in late 2005, and served a total of 4 years. He left the Corps in order to run for Congress.
the link had already been put up not my problem you two clowns dont follow the thread correctly
wrong info check again what was his rank when he retired

I'm giving you the information direct from the Minnesota National Guard. Whether you understand it is a different matter ;). What it actually means is that he was serving as a command sergeant major when he retired. But after he retired, for pension and benefits purposes, he was still on the rank of master sergeant. Make of that what you will. I don't know how serious it is. I know Vance will try to contrast it with his six months writing press releases.
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