Can Kamala Harris win?

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It looks like Trump hasn't been able to find an effective nickname for Kamala Harris. So he's just decided to call her Kamabla instead. Nobody has a clue what it supposed to mean. Although that's probably to be expected from the man who claims to have invented covfefe.

It was late Monday when Donald Trump first referred to Vice President Kamala Harris as “Kamabla” on his social media platform. Soon after, the former president repeated the nickname. A day later, the Republican wrote it again. And then again. And then again. And then again. At this point, readers might be asking, “What in the world does ‘Kamabla’ actually mean?” That’s certainly a common question this week, and no one seems to know the answer. That includes Team Trump surrogates. CNN’s Kaitlan Collins asked Gov. Doug Burgum last night, “This is something I’m personally curious about. ... Do you know where [‘Kamabla’] came from, and what that nickname means?” The North Dakota Republican replied, “I can’t comment on that.”
It looks like Trump hasn't been able to find an effective nickname for Kamala Harris. So he's just decided to call her Kamabla instead. Nobody has a clue what it supposed to mean. Although that's probably to be expected from the man who claims to have invented covfefe.
I invent words all the time, with my typos.
Then I proof read my comments and correct them.
I'll drop Trump a line and explain my methods. Unless filly or gas or anyone else wants to advise him.
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It looks like Trump hasn't been able to find an effective nickname for Kamala Harris. So he's just decided to call her Kamabla instead. Nobody has a clue what it supposed to mean. Although that's probably to be expected from the man who claims to have invented covfefe.

More likely, the senile fat ol' Orange tw@t can't remember her name.
More likely, the senile fat ol' Orange tw@t can't remember her name.

People are starting to comment on how little he has been seen in public. And that maybe his advisers know he can't be trusted any more to not do something really damaging. He does just one campaign event a week and the crowd gets really bored because most of the time he simply talks nonsense about sharks and Hannibal Lecter and bacon.
People are starting to comment on how little he has been seen in public. And that maybe his advisers know he can't be trusted any more to not do something really damaging. He does just one campaign event a week and the crowd gets really bored because most of the time he simply talks nonsense about sharks and Hannibal Lecter and bacon.


The 'Murcan people really should grasp how stupid they look to the rest of the world, having two senile old tw@ts vying to be their POTUS.
Who, rather than delivering sharp insight and cutting ripostes, struggle to stay awake and lucid.
At least there is only one jellybrain in the race now though.

Still, they - like us - get the government they deserve, I suppose.
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