Can Kamala Harris win?

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i clearly know a lot more than you .
An example of claiming you have been to war when you havent has just got the chief constable of northamptonshire sacked after he was seen wearing a falklands medal and claiming at one stage to have fought in the war despite being 15 at the time then claiming he got to a certain rank in the navy over ten years despite only serving 2

Did Walz put this on his CV and on job applications?

Is there any slightest official document or interview where he claims this?

Your desperation is showing if you are honestly trying to compare these two situations.
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This is post 593.

He does not say "I was a Sergeant Major"

I suppose you made a mistake

Or were not telling the truth.

Which is it?
what are you on about keep up the conversation was about claiming to have been in a war in the video but yep he has claimed to be a sergeant major . if you want to search it.

Walz and his political allies also have inaccurately described him as a retired command sergeant major, one rank higher than he holds in retirement. Walz himself did so in a video clip from 2006 that was surfaced by C-SPAN on Tuesday and in a 2018 clip posted on his own YouTube account.

Read more at:
Source - Stars and Stripes
Oh no!

Walz acknowledged he never saw combat in a 2018 interview with Minnesota Public Radio.

"I know that there are certainly folks that did far more than I did. I know that," Walz said at the time. "I willingly say that I got far more out of the military than they got out of me, from the GI Bill to leadership opportunities to everything else."
It sounds like a personal grudge to me. I don't think this guy actually has any power to decide whether a soldier can retire.
really so what make you think the ones above him do . You do realise that you dont just turn up when you feel like it even in the national guard you sign up for a certain length of time
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really so what make you think the ones above him do . You do realise that you dont just turn up when you feel like it even in the national guard you sign up for a certain length of time

Indeed. And he had already gone four years over, despite being offered a medical discharge because of hearing damage from artillery. He was in his forties for goodness sake!
It sounds like a personal grudge to me.
It's barrel scraping by Trump supporters. They are running scared and trying to find something, anything, they can fire back with.

They are now trying to vilify someone for mis-speaking while actively supporting a convicted felon and rapist. They need to stop drinking the Kool aid and give their heads a shake.
really so what make you think the ones above him do . You do realise that you dont just turn up when you feel like it even in the national guard you sign up for a certain length of time

It's actually an eight year minimum. Twenty years gets you a full pension. He did twenty four years in spite of being offered a medical discharge.

Desperate, desperate stuff!!
Indeed. And he had already gone four years over, despite being offered a medical discharge because of hearing damage from artillery. He was in his forties for goodness sake!
41 now remind us what age you can serve in the national guard till ? Jesus we have guy in his 50s still in the SAS wee bit more strenuous than the national guard
It's actually an eight year minimum. Twenty years gets you a full pension. He did twenty four years in spite of being offered a medical discharge.

Desperate, desperate stuff!!
doesnt matter what he done he clearly thought he could carry on pick up the higher wage for time signed on for
Then when asked to do what he had been paid for , for the previous 24 year jumped ship and left his command to do the fighting
41 now remind us what age you can serve in the national guard till ? Jesus we have guy in his 50s still in the SAS wee bit more strenuous than the national guard

And they can retire whenever they want!

This is so desperate.
doesnt matter what he done he clearly thought he could carry on pick up the higher wage for time signed on for
Then when asked to do what he had been paid for , for the previous 24 year jumped ship and left his command to do the fighting

Desperate, desperate stuff.
"Walz, the governor of Minnesota and a former congressman, joined the National Guard out of high school at 17 years old on April 8, 1981 and served until May 16, 2005. Walz has said he retired from the guard to run for Congress, which he did successfully in 2006.

The alert order for Walz's unit to mobilize for Iraq was received on July 14, 2005 − almost two months after Walz had retired − and the unit mobilized Oct. 12, 2005, according to the Minnesota National Guard."
And they can retire whenever they want!

This is so desperate.
no they cant jesus christ oh we are off to war in the morning , sorry i cant make it im going to finish tonight .
You even put a quote up saying it takes months as permission is required , keep up with what you actually put up yourself
"Walz, the governor of Minnesota and a former congressman, joined the National Guard out of high school at 17 years old on April 8, 1981 and served until May 16, 2005. Walz has said he retired from the guard to run for Congress, which he did successfully in 2006.

The alert order for Walz's unit to mobilize for Iraq was received on July 14, 2005 − almost two months after Walz had retired − and the unit mobilized Oct. 12, 2005, according to the Minnesota National Guard."
jesus h christ how many different versions are yous all going to put they were informed before hand which is why his commander had the conversation with him whether he was happy about going to which he replied yes
its simple Kamala has made a helluva mistake because she didnt want a jew as a running mate
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