Can Kamala Harris win?

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Nonsense the one on the right is very pro Trump and is on fox news afterwards singing his praises . Insulted or answered back in the same way she asked the questions

Well, she has to say that publicly, she works for Fox.

Fox News’s reputation as an unyielding backer of Donald Trump is in tatters after revelations that many of its top executives and on-air personalities never believed his lies about the 2020 election, and even personally disliked the former US president.

Privately, some of them loathe him. The case’s filings reveal that Carlson, for instance, wrote of Trump: “I hate him passionately … What he’s good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.”

The impression I got from the interview with the journo in the middle was that they all thought the same way. But I'm not going to go back and watch it again.
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This is the real story.

Trump lies so much he couldn’t possibly allow himself to be fact checked.

Indeed. And that might still be one of the sticking points with the debate. It is scheduled for 10 September, but the details are not all agreed yet.

If you read the New York Times fact check from his news conference it basically goes False, False. False, Misleading, False, False, False, False, False. When he was president one of the papers kept a running total of his lies and it was into the thousands.

For instance, yesterday he claimed that Democrats would allow abortions at nine months and then the mother could decide whether to keep the baby or have it killed.
here are Trump supporters that believe there are abortions happening up to 4 weeks after birth

one guy claims "they passed a law in California"

at 4:30 Trump is saying "they support abortion upto and even beyond birth"

why do people such as gas112 support such a person?

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here are Trump supporters that believe there are abortions happening up to 4 weeks after birth

one guy claims "they passed a law in California"

at 4:30 Trump is saying "they support abortion upto and even beyond birth"

why do people like gas112 support such a person?

That's got to be a wind-up.
No-one can be that stoopid, surely. Can they?
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If you read the New York Times fact check from his news conference it basically goes False, False. False, Misleading, False, False, False, False, False. When he was president one of the papers kept a running total of his lies and it was into the thousands

I've said this previously.
Trump - until his recent rambling - is rarely stuck for words, because he doesn't care whether what he says is true or not.
Just that he is centre stage, and talking.
This is a great rebuttal of Trump's news conference; and a stinging critique of the journos who let him lie.

I've said this previously.
Trump - until his recent rambling - is rarely stuck for words, because he doesn't care whether what he says is true or not.
Just that he is centre stage, and talking.

That's interesting about his recent rambling. Lots of commentators, on both sides, are saying that he just can't stay on message any more. Whether that is mental decline or his heart just isn't in it, I don't know. I've just seen some clips from 2016 and he was a much more impressive performer.

The Democrats strategist said let him do a news conference every day! And even Republicans are saying this is the wrong strategy and that he needs to focus solely on issues such as immigration and inflation. He's clearly upset about Biden dropping out.
This is a great rebuttal of Trump's news conference; and a stinging critique of the journos who let him lie.

That's why he wouldn't let the journalists have a microphone.

However, strategists on both sides now think that if Trump is given enough exposure to ramble on like that again he will destroy his own chances because things have moved on and so many people are just bored with him.
ts literally true, I watched the video
It seems there is something in the regs concerning still births. No details were given other than calling the extended period an abortion is stupid. Women can come to term late. My wife did.
Early term: Your baby is born between 37 weeks, 0 days and 38 weeks, 6 days. Full term: Your baby is born between 39 weeks, 0 days and 40 weeks, 6 days. Late term: Your baby is born between 41 weeks, 0 days and 41 weeks, 6 days. Postterm: Your baby is born after 42 weeks, 0 days.
who is the potential democratic running mate you are saying is a rapist ?
Trumpty Dumpty, convicted felon and rapist. You are focusing on someone who at worst mis-spoke but support a good old "grab em by the pussy" rapist. You're sick...
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