Can Kamala Harris win?

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I couldn't care less, you seem to be obsessed about all things stateside...
Have you missed the title of the thread its about american politics ,
If you dont want to speak about the subject scroll past its dead simple even you can achieve that
so what do you want a senile guy in charge of the button or the cackling half wit.
Not elma fud that's for certain.

Biden is not good, until you compare him to Trump. The least worst option.

But again, what's this thread got to do with Biden? Why do you keep bringing him into it?
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Devi essere un finocchio per saperlo.

Not elma fud that's for certain.

Biden is not good, until you compare him to Trump. The least worst option.

But again, what's this thread got to do with Biden? Why do you keep bringing him into it?
what has the thread to do with biden well is it not bidens policies that harris has been promoting since 2020 so for her to win the electorate will be judging her on those policies that she has been right behind you know the ones like open borders and spiralling food and fuel costs etc etc
what has the thread to do with biden well is it not bidens policies that harris has been promoting since 2020 so for her to win the electorate will be judging her on those policies that she has been right behind you know the ones like open borders and spiralling food and fuel costs etc etc
Attack Harris then.

Biden is not standing for the presidency.

Given a choice between Elma Fud and Biden, Biden is the least worst option. Harris and Trump, no brainer, Harris every time, and the Republicans are panicking.

Now tell us about these open borders? Spiralling food and fuel costs. You do have some facts ?
Trump will already be getting the excuses ready.

The vote was rigged!
Millions of our votes have gone missing!
Russia has interfered!
The vote was rigged!
China has interfered!
Outer Mongolia has interfered!
The man on the moon has interfered!
We actually won by 10 million clear votes, FACT!
The vote was rigged!
Do you realise Kamala Harris doesn't actually exist, she's a 3D render! You've all been conned!!!
I'm the rightful President!
what has the thread to do with biden well is it not bidens policies that harris has been promoting since 2020 so for her to win the electorate will be judging her on those policies that she has been right behind you know the ones like open borders and spiralling food and fuel costs etc etc
What nonsense
1.So you think showering with your teenage daughter is not weird .(what does that say about you

No images of the dairy exist
It’s not been authenicated

Ashley Biden said “false accusations”:

“After being the victim of a crime in my early twenties, I developed PTSD. The journal that was stolen was part of my efforts to heal.

“I am a private citizen, targeted only because my father happened to be running to be President. In other words, the extensive work I have done to move past my trauma was undone by Ms. Harris's actions. …

Although this criminal act happened more than three years ago, because of the publicity it drew—exactly as Ms. Harris intended—I am constantly re-traumatized by it. I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online.

Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love”

These things are weird
1) Trump is mates with paedopholes


2) Trump the creep weirdo dad

The Don has reverted to insulting vets by saying his civilian award to mega donors is more valuable than the medal of Honour. That ought to help KH but in the past attacking vets has not harmed trumpf, but this smacks more of desperation as he is re modelling his campaign team (who will of course be solely responsible if he loses)

No images of the dairy exist
It’s not been authenicated


2) Trump the creep weirdo dad



No images of the dairy exist
It’s not been authenicated

Ashley Biden said “false accusations”:

“After being the victim of a crime in my early twenties, I developed PTSD. The journal that was stolen was part of my efforts to heal.

“I am a private citizen, targeted only because my father happened to be running to be President. In other words, the extensive work I have done to move past my trauma was undone by Ms. Harris's actions. …

Although this criminal act happened more than three years ago, because of the publicity it drew—exactly as Ms. Harris intended—I am constantly re-traumatized by it. I will forever have to deal with the fact that my personal journal can be viewed online.

Repeatedly, I hear others grossly misinterpret my once-private writings and lob false accusations that defame my character and those of the people I love”

These things are weird
1) Trump is mates with paedopholes


2) Trump the creep weirdo dad

Amazing how someone can be taken to court and fined and put on probation for 3 years for something you think doesnt exist ashley biden admitted the diary was hers and pleaded with the judge to jail Aimee Harris . Even in corrupt american judicial system people dont get convicted of stealing imaginary things
Now tell us about these open borders? Spiralling food and fuel costs. You do have some facts ?
oh deary me do you not keep upto date with american politics if not best you stop commenting on something you clearly do not have a clue about
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