Can Kamala Harris win?

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Please provide the Labour policies which will bring in open borders
it is the DNA of the far left, and certainly is in the DNA of the Isslington uber left jet set who are now very worryingly in charge.

two fold, they hate the idea of Great Britain, embarrassed by our past and would like to see us dissolved / diluted. And secondly they just like the idea of open borders, that's why they got so upset about Brexit, they had visions of us joining the Schengen Area and the Schengen Area being spread around the world. A world without borders.

of course the vast majority of people do not want this, its unnatural, why do you think we have countries and borders in the first place, because it is a very human thing to do, locks on our doors, fences round our garden and Borders around our culture / societies.

yes, a world of open borders is not openly on their agenda, but deep down inside that is what they want.
never mis understood or lied about it you know fine well it was a rhetorical question you were trying to suggest the tories had bankrupted the country and are now attempting a back track.
You back track more than kier stammer
I will put that down as misunderstanding the written word then, not a deliberate lie
it is the DNA of the far left, and certainly is in the DNA of the Isslington uber left jet set who are now very worryingly in charge.

two fold, they hate the idea of Great Britain, embarrassed by our past and would like to see us dissolved / diluted. And secondly they just like the idea of open borders, that's why they got so upset about Brexit, they had visions of us joining the Schengen Area and the Schengen Area being spread around the world. A world without borders.

of course the vast majority of people do not want this, its unnatural, why do you think we have countries and borders in the first place, because it is a very human thing to do, locks on our doors, fences round our garden and Borders around our culture / societies.

yes, a world of open borders is not openly on their agenda, but deep down inside that is what they want.
Do you ever take a day off from wearing blinkers.

Do you think the country could have afforded another stint of the Tories? Seriously. The country had a vote, and thought not . Are you 1 of those that thought the tories were doing well ?
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it is the DNA of the far left, and certainly is in the DNA of the Isslington uber left jet set who are now very worryingly in charge.

two fold, they hate the idea of Great Britain,
You've caught the same strand of ignorance as gonemadcarter believing all politicians are traitors. :rolleyes:

and would like to see us dissolved / diluted.
It sounds like you're well pickled. :rolleyes:

And secondly they just like the idea of open borders, that's why they got so upset about Brexit, they had visions of us joining the Schengen Area and the Schengen Area being spread around the world. A world without borders.
Stark raving nuts. :rolleyes:

of course the vast majority of people do not want this, its unnatural, why do you think we have countries and borders in the first place, because it is a very human thing to do, locks on our doors, fences round our garden and Borders around our culture / societies.
You mean the mix of Roman, Viking, Anglo-Saxons, Normans, Celtic, Gaelic,
Borders didn't stop them. :rolleyes:

yes, a world of open borders is not openly on their agenda, but deep down inside that is what they want.
More conspiracy theories. :rolleyes:
You must be a Trump supporter. :giggle:
you were trying to suggest the tories had bankrupted the country and are now attempting a back track.
In a sense they have as they have broken their own fiscal rules. Mind you a 5year plan aspect to that is probably beyond you. This despite record taxation levels that are locked in by the rules. Maybe your head can cope with this

The margin within which the fiscal rules are met is often termed as the chancellor’s “headroom”. MPs often interpret this as the scope available for tax cuts or higher spending – even if this means the government continually bumping up against its primary fiscal rule.
At last year’s autumn statement, the OBR forecast that Hunt had about £31bn of headroom before any tax or spending decisions were made. Hunt’s policy measures – including a 2p national insurance cut and tax breaks for businesses – reduced his headroom to about £13bn. The OBR warned this was a historically slim margin, with previous chancellors having kept about £29.7bn in reserve on average.

Actually the headroom is a forecasting error margin. Maybe at some point, years on it looks overdone so tax could be cut. The link includes other factors about the fiscal rules.

The fact that these are in billions make these numbers look large but they are a small % the total spend. Some feel even the £30b is too low. Fact is things seem to be worse than the above.

There was an alternate view. When a country has economic problem the gov should borrow and invest in infrastructure. Not huge amounts as that is not on - say allow debt to reach some small % over 100% GDP. Say 102 but lower has been mentioned. The feeling was that the markets would not react unfavourably. The IFS were pushing that. Since Hunt's £20b tax cut and a closer look they have thrown the idea out of the window.

£20b isn't a lot compared with the total spend. However that's per year. £100b with inflation growth over 5 years is a far more significant number. Still not that much though compared with the lot.
Do you ever take a day off from wearing blinkers.

Do you think the country could have afforded another stint of the Tories? Seriously. The country had a vote, and thought not . Are you 1 of those that thought the tories were doing well ?
as I said earlier I think the last administration was just truly awful, so bad that traditional supporters just could not vote for them and out of protest voted reform. Reform and the tory vote combined was higher than the labour vote, and Labour with only 34% share of the vote wins a landslide.

the system is grossly unfair, reormm 4.1 million votes = 5 seats, and Labour 9.5 million votes = 411
I'm no fan of Reform and Loathe Farage, but that is not fair or representative. 82 times the seats for labour with little more than twice the votes
ok i accept you never intended to lie you were just misinformed about the state of the countries finances under the tories
When does the nurse come with your meds. Is she running late?
as I said earlier I think the last administration was just truly awful, so bad that traditional supporters just could not vote for them and out of protest voted reform. Reform and the tory vote combined was higher than the labour vote, and Labour with only 34% share of the vote wins a landslide.

the system is grossly unfair, reormm 4.1 million votes = 5 seats, and Labour 9.5 million votes = 411
I'm no fan of Reform and Loathe Farage, but that is not fair or representative. 82 times the seats for labour with little more than twice the votes
That's our political system for you . It's how it's always worked.

It was OK when it gave Tories the win though.

Just this time the electorate FAIRLY voted Labour in. Have another go at the next election.

But don't spread unfounded opinions as facts on what labour will, won't, might, might not do. Stick to the facts. At the last election labour was the better (or least worst, if you prefer) choice
You mean the mix of Roman, Viking, Anglo-Saxons, Normans, Celtic, Gaelic,
Borders didn't stop them.
It didn't do the societies much good who existed before these invasions. (celtic and gaelic invasion?)

Are there any examples of mass migrations where the indigenous societies have fared well, didn't work out too good for the Aborigines or the native Americans. But Europe thinks it will do s good, and the far left can't wait.
But don't spread unfounded opinions as facts on what labour will, won't, might, might not do. Stick to the facts. At the last election labour was the better (or least worst, if you prefer) choice
are you suggesting the left does not aspire to mass inward migration - as expected all the lefties in here seem to relish the idea, it is very clear where labours hard core supporters hang there hat on many issues, and inward migration will be very high on their dream list
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