Can Kamala Harris win?

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are you suggesting the left does not aspire to mass inward migration - as expected all the lefties in here seem to relish the idea, it is very clear where labours hard core supporters hang there hat on many issues, and inward migration will be very high on their dream list
Have you seen the Tory approach to inward migration?

Give labour time and see if they are worse, or achieve something.

Migration was a major issue for the electorate and they voted for labour to be the government.

A closed mind won't change anything
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are you suggesting the left does not aspire to mass inward migration - as expected all the lefties in here seem to relish the idea, it is very clear where labours hard core supporters hang there hat on many issues, and inward migration will be very high on their dream list
Saying it over and over doesn't make it true. You're just wrong.
are you suggesting the left does not aspire to mass inward migration
Labour have kept the points based immigration system as existed under the previous govt.

Labour have started to ramp up processing of Asylum Seekers backlog which Tories didn’t do….just kept them in hotels forever.

it is the DNA of the far left
The Labour govt is pretty centrist, nothing far left about them

DNA of the Isslington uber left jet set who are now very worryingly in charge
Jeremy Corbyn is MP for Islington and very much not in charge, he is in opposition

Out of 412 Labour MPs about a dozen are what you would call “Uber left jet set”, but none of them have a cabinet position nor any power. And most of them like John McDonnell don’t support open borders anyway.

And secondly they just like the idea of open borders, that's why they got so upset about Brexit, they had visions of us joining the Schengen Area and the Schengen Area being spread around the world. A world without borders
Actually the socialist left are ideologically opposed to EU, including Jeremy Corbyn. In fact Mick Lynch RMT Union boss actively supported Brexit

Asylum seekers can’t travel freely within the schengen area, it’s only an internal border for EU citizens
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Labour have kept the points based immigration system as existed under the previous govt.

Labour have started to ramp up processing of Asylum Seekers backlog which Tories didn’t do….just kept them in hotels forever.

The Labour govt is pretty centrist, nothing far left about them

Jeremy Corbyn is MP for Islington and very much not in charge, he is in opposition

Out of 412 Labour MPs about a dozen are what you would call “Uber left jet set”, but none of them have a cabinet position nor any power. And most of them like John McDonnell don’t support open borders anyway.

Actually the socialist left are ideologically opposed to EU, including Jeremy Corbyn. In fact Mick Lynch RMT Union boss actively supported Brexit

Asylum seekers can’t travel freely within the schengen area, it’s only an internal border for EU citizens
Oh do stop presenting facts to him
Labour have started to ramp up processing of Asylum Seekers backlog which Tories didn’t do….just kept them in hotels forever.
getting them integrated quicker is just going attract more, when they get the process streamlined and up to speed the EU will just bung those arriving over the med straight onto a train and aim it through the chunnel
getting them integrated quicker is just going attract more, when they get the process streamlined and up to speed the EU will just bung those arriving over the med straight onto a train and aim it through the chunnel

There weren't any small boats before Brexit. People who voted to leave are a lot angrier than before Brexit. Are these facts related?
getting them integrated quicker is just going attract more, when they get the process streamlined and up to speed the EU will just bung those arriving over the med straight onto a train and aim it through the chunnel
Not if they succeed in removing those that don't qualify.

The better, and easier, you make it easier to apply, the less that will try the wrong way.

Unless you know of a way that you can stop all immigrants, other than a chant of "stop the boats"

Tories had a great slogan, but that's all it was. And some people thought it was great. They just ignored the facts and figures though.
Trump seems to have had his biggest meltdown yet at his rally last night. Apparently, the topic he spent most time on was whether he or Kamala is more attractive. And he said some pretty nasty things about her looks.
getting them integrated quicker is just going attract more
It didn’t in the past

During Labours last period in govt they were processing at a rate of 15,000 to 20,000 a year

Under Tories that figure has steady dropped over a dozen or so years down to 3,000 a year…..whilst asylum seekers numbers kept going up.

You are just in a Labour hate loop and are just posting any old nonsense
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