EV are they worth it?

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Encouraging, but who knows what this Labour government might do? Can they actually ban ICE engines?

That's not how governments work. Not with contentious stuff, anyway.
What they tend to do is prohibit things that have basically withered into irrelevance anyway: a sort of legislative tidying-up.
Oh, my sincere apologies for my stupid question. I shall remove myself and live in a cave in the mountains.
Of course, if they did, wouldn't that be rather embarrassing?
Not even likely.

Sounds like you are already in a cave.

Just think about it? How could you ban them and keep the country running.

Scaremongering helps nobody
Encouraging, but who knows what this Labour government might do? Can they actually ban ICE engines?

Bristol has a very small and easily avoidable central Ulezzer zone. However, couple of months ago the Greens were elected to run the council. Only a matter of time before the zone is expanded to ensnare motorists in the whole city.

Couple of ironic points about the current zone. Although the zone is easily avoidable at present, they stretched part of the zone to cover the route out to the airport. Every time I go there I now have to do an 8 mile detour each way to avoid the £9 charge - polluting a lot more than I would have before the zone.

Bristol City Council has a fleet of diesel vans including some that are quite old - including some 2006 Merc Sprinters. So the 'authority' punishes owners of older, dirtier vehicles but sees it as ok to run old vehicles themselves. Couldn't make it up! You'd think with all the cash they're raking in from the zone, they could afford to do what they preach.
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Bristol has a very small and easily avoidable central Ulezzer zone. However, couple of months ago the Greens were elected to run the council. Only a matter of time before the zone is expanded to ensnare motorists in the whole city.

Couple of ironic points about the current zone. Although the zone is easily avoidable at present, they stretched part of the zone to cover the route out to the airport. Every time I go there I now have to do an 8 mile detour each way to avoid the £9 charge - polluting a lot more than I would have before the zone.

Bristol City Council has a fleet of diesel vans including some that are quite old - including some 2006 Merc Sprinters. So the 'authority' punishes owners of older, dirtier vehicles but sees it as ok to run old vehicles themselves. Couldn't make it up! You'd think with all the cash they're raking in from the zone, they could afford to do what they preach.
It is worrying to hear how our leaders, whether national or local government, are running things today.
Running things into the ground, I'd say.
Still, if that's what the majority want, OK. I'm 72 in a few days, so I tend not to worry too much about the future.
A shame for the younger people here though.
It is worrying to hear how our leaders, whether national or local government, are running things today.
Running things into the ground, I'd say.
Still, if that's what the majority want, OK. I'm 72 in a few days, so I tend not to worry too much about the future.
A shame for the younger people here though.

Happy 72nd birthday!

Agree. We've seen the best years.
I now have to do an 8 mile detour each way to avoid the £9 charge - polluting a lot more than I would have before the zone

You're presuming that your detour is a polluting one.
I'd hope and expect that it would not be, as you would choose a freewheeling and steady run, rather than a stop-start-idle trip, at very low efficiency and with numerous others doing the same.
Bristol has a very small and easily avoidable central Ulezzer zone. However, couple of months ago the Greens were elected to run the council. Only a matter of time before the zone is expanded to ensnare motorists in the whole city.

Oh I bet all the locals are furious about that! I bet they really hate the policy. I shouldn't surprised if they vote to do something about that...

Oh... then again...

Democracy eh...? ;)

Couple of ironic points about the current zone. Although the zone is easily avoidable at present, they stretched part of the zone to cover the route out to the airport. Every time I go there I now have to do an 8 mile detour each way to avoid the £9 charge - polluting a lot more than I would have before the zone.

It's you who is missing the point. The whole point of city low emissions zones (clue's in the name:rolleyes:), is that they're supposed to be zones where the authorities are trying to keep emissions low. They'll be areas with lots of people in them. They WANT you to take the toxic emissions from your old van outside of those zones! Now of course, in an ideal world, they'd want you driving vehicles that were very low emissions. If you did, you'd be allowed in the low emissions zones with no penalty, and that would be even better than you taking your emissions and dumping them outside the zone. However, it seems that some people are so wedded to their ICEs, that the authorities just have to settle for the next best thing, which is to keep those most polluting vehicles away from where the largest concentration of people have to breathe their toxic ****. It's basically the same idea as smoking shelters in office car parks. Ideally, you wouldn't want anyone to smoke, but given that some people insist on continuing, the next best thing, is to move them somewhere else, so at least the rest of the folk in the office don't have to breathe their crap.

Bristol City Council has a fleet of diesel vans including some that are quite old - including some 2006 Merc Sprinters. So the 'authority' punishes owners of older, dirtier vehicles but sees it as ok to run old vehicles themselves. Couldn't make it up! You'd think with all the cash they're raking in from the zone, they could afford to do what they preach.

It's one of those "can't do right for doing wrong" situations, really. Clearly they're using crappy old vehicles (something I thought you approved of)? But now it seems you don't, and you want them to cash out on some nice new low emissions ones with the council taxpayers' money...

...which, of course, you wouldn't complain about at all, because as you so rightly say, they should do what they preach...;)
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